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IoT 边缘路由网关。

数据 API

Channel 属性

属性名 说明
ChannelId 全局唯一值
Name 通道名称
Keynote 通道要旨,可用于设置重要信息
Devices 设备集合

Device 属性

属性名 说明
DeviceId 全局唯一值
Name 设备名称
Model 设备驱动型号,如 S7-200、S7-1200、S7-1500 等
Host 服务器地址
Port 端口,不为 0 时表示使用该端口
Keynote 设备要旨,可用于设置重要信息
TagGroups 标记组集合
Tags 隶属于设备的标记集合

TagGroup 属性

属性名 说明
TagGroupId 全局唯一值
Name 标记组名
Keynote 标记要旨,可用于设置重要信息
Tags 隶属于分组的标记集合

Tag 属性

属性名 说明
TagId 全局唯一值
Name 标记名称
Address 地址 (字符串格式)
Length 数据长度。注:普通类型默认长度设置为 0,当为数组或字符串时,需指定长度。
DataType 数据类型,分 "Bit"、"Byte"、"Word"、"DWord"、"Int"、"DInt"、"Real"、"LReal"、"String"、"S7String"、"S7WString"
ClientAccess 客户端访问模式,默认可读写。
ScanRate 扫描速率(毫秒),默认100ms。
Flag 标记标识,分 "Heartbeat"、"Trigger"、"Notice"、"Switch",其中 "Normal" 做为 "Trigger" 和 "Switch" 子标记。
PublishMode 是否每次扫描后推送数据,为 true 时表示只有在数据有变化的情况下才会推送数据,默认为 "OnlyDataChanged"。注:仅适用 标记
Keynote 标记要旨,可用于设置重要信息
DisplayName 标记显示名称
Description 标记说明
Identity 标记身份标识,默认为 "Master"
CurveUsage 曲线用途分类
Group 标记分组标识,可用于定义将多个标记数据归为同一组,为空表示不进行分组。注:分组中的数据类型要保持一致,如果是数组,组内各标记数据类型也应都为数组,且长度一致。
ValueUsage 标记值的用途标识
NormalTags 只有 "Trigger" 类型的标记集合,在该标记触发时集合中的标记数据也同时一起随着推送

Tag 方法

属性名 说明
IsArray 判断标记是否为数组对象。

JSON 选项配置示例

    "Name": "Line01", "Keynote": "",
    "Devices": [
      "Name": "设备01", "Model": "ModbusTcp", "Host": "", "Port": 0, "Keynote": "",
      "TagGroups": [
        "Name": "OP101", "Keynote": "",
        "Tags": [
            "Name": "PLC_Entry_Sign", "Address": "s=1;x=3;20", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 500, "Flag": "Trigger", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "进站信号", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "",
            "NormalTags": [
               { "Name": "PLC_Entry_SN", "Address": "s=1;x=3;112", "Length": 20, "DataType": "String", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "SN", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "SN" },
               { "Name": "PLC_Entry_Formual", "Address": "s=1;x=3;132", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "配方号", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
               { "Name": "PLC_Entry_Rfid", "Address": "s=1;x=3;140", "Length": 10, "DataType": "String", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "RFID", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
            "Name": "PLC_Archive_Sign", "Address": "s=1;x=3;30", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 200, "Flag": "Trigger", "Keynote": "", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "",
            "NormalTags": [
              { "Name": "PLC_Archive_SN", "Address": "s=1;x=3;352", "Length": 20, "DataType": "String", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "SN", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "PLC_Archive_PassResult", "Address": "s=1;x=3;372", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "结果", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "PLC_Archive_Formual", "Address": "s=1;x=3;374", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "配方号", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "PLC_Archive_Operator", "Address": "s=1;x=3;376", "Length": 10, "DataType": "String", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "操作人", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "PLC_Archive_Shift", "Address": "s=1;x=3;386", "Length": 10, "DataType": "String", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "班次", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "PLC_Archive_Rfid", "Address": "s=1;x=3;396", "Length": 10, "DataType": "String", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "RFID", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "PLC_Archive_CycleTime", "Address": "s=1;x=3;410", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Real", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "节拍", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "PLC_Archive_GlueWidth", "Address": "s=1;x=3;420", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Real", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "胶宽", "Identity":"Attach", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "PLC_Archive_GlueHeight", "Address": "s=1;x=3;424", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Real", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "胶高", "Identity":"Attach", "Description": "" },
            "Name": "PLC_Scan_Sign", "Address": "s=1;x=3;440", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 500, "Flag": "Trigger", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "扫关键物料信号", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "",
            "NormalTags": [
              { "Name": "PLC_Scan_Barcode", "Address": "s=1;x=3;442", "Length": 20, "DataType": "String", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "Barcode", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
          { "Name": "MES_Callback_ReworkProc", "Address": "s=1;x=3;460", "Length": 10, "DataType": "String", "ScanRate": 0, "Flag": "Normal", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
            "Name": "Switch1", "Address": "s=1;x=3;40", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 100, "Flag": "Switch", "DisplayName": "拧紧", "Keynote": "", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "",
            "NormalTags": [
              { "Name": "Switch1_SN", "Address": "s=1;x=3;41", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 100, "Flag": "Normal", "CurveUsage": "SwitchSN", "DisplayName": "", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "Switch1_No", "Address": "s=1;x=3;42", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 100, "Flag": "Normal", "CurveUsage": "SwitchNo", "DisplayName": "","Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "Switch1_Data1", "Address": "s=1;x=3;43", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 100, "Flag": "Normal", "CurveUsage": "SwitchCurve", "DisplayName": "x", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
              { "Name": "Switch1_Data2", "Address": "s=1;x=3;44", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 100, "Flag": "Normal", "CurveUsage": "SwitchCurve", "DisplayName": "y", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" }
      "Tags": [
          { "Name": "Heartbeat", "Address": "s=1;x=3;0", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 500, "Flag": "Heartbeat", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "心跳", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
          { "Name": "PLC_Alarm", "Address": "s=1;x=3;1", "Length": 10, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 5000, "Flag": "Notice", "PublishMode": "OnlyDataChanged", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "警报", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
          { "Name": "PLC_Equipment_State", "Address": "s=1;x=3;60", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 500, "Flag": "Notice", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "设备状态", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },
          { "Name": "PLC_Equipment_Mode", "Address": "s=1;x=3;62", "Length": 0, "DataType": "Int", "ScanRate": 500, "Flag": "Notice", "Keynote": "", "DisplayName": "设备运行模式", "Identity":"Master", "Description": "" },


  "Ops": {
    "DefaultScanRate": 100, // 默认的标记扫描速率, 默认为 100ms
    "SwitchScanRate": 100, // 开关启动后曲线数据扫描速率,默认为 100ms
    "AllowReadMulti": true, // 是否尝试批量读取,默认为 true
    "AckWhenCallbackError": false, // 在触发标志位值回写失败时,是否触发回执值,默认为 false
    "AckMaxVersion": 3, // 在触发标志位值回写失败时,允许触发回执的最大次数,默认为 3
    "Curve": {
      "LocalRootDirectory": null, // 曲线文件本地存储根目录。可以是完整路径,也可以是相对路径,默认为根目录下的 "curves" 文件夹
      "FileType": "JSON", // 曲线存储文件格式,JSON / CSV,默认为 CSV 格式
      "CurveNamedSeparator": "_", // 曲线存储文件名称的分隔符,默认 "_"
      "DirIncludeChannelName": true, // 目录是否包含通道名称,默认为 true
      "DirIncludeCurveName": true, // 目录是否包含曲线名称,默认为 true
      "DirIncludeDate": true, // 文件路径是否包含日期,格式为 "yyyyMMdd",默认为 true
      "DirIncludeSN": true, // 文件路径是否包含SN,在 SN 存在的条件下为 true 时会按 SN 建立文件夹,默认为 true
      "DirIncludeGroupName": true, // 目录是否包含分组名称,默认为 true
      "SuffixIncludeDatetime": false, // 文件后缀是否包含日期,格式为 "yyyyMMddHHmmss"
      "AllowMaxWriteCount": 32767, // 文件中允许写入最大的次数,默认为 4096
      "AllowCopy": false, // 是否要推送文件到远端服务器
      "RemoteRootDirectory": null, // 曲线文件远端存储根目录(共享目录)
      "RetainedDayLimit": 0 // 本地文件保存最大天数,会删除最近访问时间超过指定天数的文件和文件夹,0 表示不删除
  "MqttBroker": {
    "ServerUri": "", // MQTT 服务器地址
    "Port": null, // MQTT 服务器连接地址,为 null 表示使用默认端口
    "ClientId": "ThingsEdge", // 客户端唯一 Id
    "MaxPendingMessages": 32767, // 允许本地存储最大消息数量,默认为 "short.MaxValue"
    "TopicFormater": null, // Topic 格式器,系统内部默认会采用 {ChannelName}/{DeviceName}/{TagGroupName} 模式匹配,匹配规则不区分大小写
    "TopicFormatMatchLower": true, // Topic 格式化时匹配的数据是否要转为小写,默认为 true
    "ProtocolVersion": "V311" // MQTT 协议版本,默认为 3.1.1
  "HttpDestination": { // 基于 RESTful 格式的目标服务参数选项
    "BaseAddress": "http://localhost:7214", // 请求服务基地址
    "Timeout": 10000, // 请求目标超时设置,单位毫秒,默认为 10s
    "EnableBasicAuth": false, // 目标服务是否启用 Basic Authentication 验证
    "UserName": null, // 验证使用的用户名
    "Password": null, // 验证使用的密码
    "DisableCertificateValidationCheck": true, // 是否禁用凭证检测(https),默认为 true
    "HealthRequestUrl": null, // 目标服务健康检测地址,默认为 "/api/health"
    "RequestUrl": null // 目标服务接收数据的地址,默认为 "/api/iotgateway"


事件名 说明
CurveFilePostedEvent 曲线文件传送通知事件
DeviceHeartbeatEvent 与设备连接的心跳通知事件
DirectMessageRequestEvent 消息请求处理通知事件


属性名 说明
IExchange 交换机引擎
IDeviceReadWrite 设备数据读写接口
IDeviceTagDataSnapshot 设备标记快照,用于读取当前的标记值。


IoT edge router and gateway.






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