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Example on deploying a 3 node Cassandra cluster on Kubernetes using Minikube and cass-operator.

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Run Cassandra on Kubernetes using the cass-operator (with Minikube)

This project aims to help usetting up and understanding some of the basics of running Cassandra on Kubernetes using a local Minikube installation.

It is assumed that Docker is already installed, up and running and has enough resources available (personally run it with 8 CPUs and 12 Gi of memory). Also this guide assumes an osx environment with Homebrew installed.

Relevant links:

Kubernetes Dashboard


Install Minikube

This installs the local Kubernetes service

brew install minikube

Install Kubectl

This installs the command-line tool for Kubernetes

brew install kubectl

Provision the Kubernetes cluster using Minikube

This configures a Kubernetes cluster with three worker nodes

minikube start --nodes 3 --memory=2048 --cpus=2 -p cassandra
minikube profile cassandra

Check cluster health

Now test the availability of the cluster

kubectl get nodes
minikube dashboard &

Provision Cassandra

Load the cass operator

Load the operator and check it's availability

kubectl apply -f
kubectl -n cass-operator get pods --selector name=cass-operator

Now create a storage class

kubectl apply -f storage-minikube.yaml

Finally create a 3 node cassandra cluster (using the example that uses the storage class)

Create the cluster and check it's availability

kubectl -n cass-operator apply -f cassdc.yaml
watch kubectl -n cass-operator get pods --selector
kubectl -n cass-operator get statefulset

Describe the pods / dc

kubectl -n cass-operator describe pods
kubectl -n cass-operator get pod cluster1-dc1-default-sts-0 -o yaml
kubectl -n cass-operator get cassdc dc1 -o yaml

Use NodeTool to check the cluster status

kubectl -n cass-operator exec -it -c cassandra cluster1-dc1-default-sts-0 -- nodetool status

Log in using cqlsh

export CASS_USER=$(kubectl -n cass-operator get secret cluster1-superuser -o json | jq -r '.data.username' | base64 --decode)
export CASS_PASS=$(kubectl -n cass-operator get secret cluster1-superuser -o json | jq -r '.data.password' | base64 --decode)
kubectl -n cass-operator exec -ti cluster1-dc1-default-sts-0 -c cassandra -- sh -c "cqlsh -u '$CASS_USER' -p '$CASS_PASS'"

Or just bash into a pod

kubectl -n cass-operator exec -ti cluster1-dc1-default-sts-0 -- bash
cd /etc/cassandra
cat cassandra.yaml


Get information about the statefullset

kubectl -n cass-operator get statefulset
kubectl -n cass-operator get statefulset cluster1-dc1-default-sts -o yaml > statefullset.yaml

Get current state of the pods

kubectl -n cass-operator describe pods > pods.txt
kubectl -n cass-operator describe pods cluster1-dc1-default-sts-1 > pod.txt

Check health of persistant volume claims

kubectl -n cass-operator get pvc
kubectl -n cass-operator describe pvc server-data-cluster1-dc1-default-sts-0

Get node capacities

kubectl get nodes -o yaml > capacity.yaml

Tear down Cassandra

Uninstall the cassandra cluster

kubectl delete cassdcs --all-namespaces --all

Uninstall the storage class

kubectl delete -f

Uninstall the cass-operator

kubectl delete -f

Check the uninstallation

watch kubectl -n cass-operator get pods


Example on deploying a 3 node Cassandra cluster on Kubernetes using Minikube and cass-operator.







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