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Releases: michaelmalonenz/aurelia-dragula

Release 2.0.6

05 May 15:47
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Allow moveBefore to be generic in TypeScript thanks to @rmja
Added Bundling info to README thanks to @Piees

Add bindings for the remove event

02 Mar 22:09
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Thanks to @Piees for adding a binding for the remove event to the dragula-and-drop viewmodel

Add call the Copy function correctly

02 Mar 22:06
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If the Copy function was bound to the dragula-and-drop property, then it wouldn't have been called with the destructed object that Aurelia binding expects, meaning that the parameters would be undefined

This is fixed, now thanks to @Piees for pointing it out

Release 2.0.2

04 Feb 01:37
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This is the For Realz v2 release. There was a slight problem where it wouldn't drop when I released v2.0.0 and finger trouble with the fix release of v2.0.1.

Anyway, there are two breaking changes that cause the major version change:

  1. a correction of the default for revertOnSpill - both instances are now true
  2. The dragula-and-drop custom Element no longer cancels the drop as the ordering should always be correct, due to better handling of the aurelia anchor comment node. You should still re-order the element behind the scenes, but aurelia should handle the drop and re-order fast enough to not noticeably flicker.

Release v1.6.2

02 Dec 06:04
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Handle dropping of radio buttons more gracefully, thanks to @sludemann

Release v1.6.0

27 Apr 08:22
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Fixed the ordering regression - special thanks to @pndewit for sticking with me and showing there was a problem.

Everyone using v1.5.0 or later should upgrade.

Remove Flicker on Drop

06 Sep 08:34
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Closes #24
Stop reverting the object, whilst continuing to cancel. Ugh, that was surprisingly easy.

Release v1.4.4

17 May 09:39
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Adds some helpful advice on the console to those installing via the Aurelia cli, thanks to @Casz

Release v1.4.3

15 May 09:32
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Fourth try and attempting to support the WebPack loader, in conjunction with requireJs and JSPM for the css / view.

Fairly confident I've actually cracked it, this time.

Release v1.4.0

14 May 05:41
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Improves support for users of webpack, thanks to @nashwaan and @jods4