This repository contains code for the paper "Navigation between initial and desired community states using shortcuts", by Benjamin W. Blonder*, Michael H. Lim*, Zachary Sunberg, Claire Tomlin (* denotes equal contribution). The repository is organized into three main parts, /scripts, /data, and /src.
Scripts folder should contain the relevant scripts that allow us to run the numerical experiments.
Experiment Configs: Before running the A* experiments, we need to set up the configurations for the numerical experiments. This can be done via /scripts/helper/experiment_config.jl. The file lets us specify saving data, parallelization, epsilon, costs, and dataset choices.
Note: Parallelization is done on a dataset-epsilon level, since we must perform new sets of ODE integration for different dataset and epsilon choices, while other hyperparameters can be varied without re-integrating.
A* Pathfinding Experiment: In order to run the A* experiments, we can run the script /scripts/AStar_sim.jl by the following:
julia --project [path_to_EcologicalNavigation.jl]/scripts/AStar_sim.jl
This will automatically save the data in /data/results. It will generate 5 different types of files under directory /data/results/[Dataset Name]/[Datetime]/: adjacency_df.csv, assemblage.csv, a_star.csv, summary.txt, transitions.csv.
Here are some previews of how the example outputs should look like:
Assemblage (assemblage.csv) Notations:
- state: The binary abundance vector for which species are present
- x: The numeric abundance vector
- temp: Environment variable (temperature)
- str: String representation of the state, species combinations are denoted with "*" and temperature is denoted with "|". For instance, a state with species 1, 2, 5 at temperature 1 would be denoted "1*2*5|1".
- stable, feasible, candidate: Boolean variables
- tau: max(1/eig) for A matrix
- richness: Number of species in the state
- Abundance mean/std: The mean/std abundance for existing species
A* results ([...]_a_star.csv) Notations:
- start, goal: The string representation of start and goal states
- net add, del, temp: Net difference between start and goal states
- full_path: The full path between the start and the goal, if exists. The states are denoted with "[]", and the actions are denoted with "{}" to more clearly separate the two. An example path snippet looks like "[state1]~~{action1}~>[state2]".
- path: Only the state portion of the path. E.g. "[state1]~>[state2]".
- action: Only the action portion of the path. E.g. "{action1}~{action2}~". The notation for actions is {(+ adds)(- dels)(* temp)}.
- a_star_cost: Total cost of the full A* path
- a_star_ops: Number of A* wait actions taken for the path
- a_star add, del, temp: Number of add, del, temp actions taken total for the path (individual species/env level).
The datasets are stored in /data/dataset, under different first author names. The respective experimental A, r values are stored in a_matrix.csv and r_vector.csv files. The codebase currently contains all the experimental data used for the study:
- Ciliate: "Maynard"
- Ciliate+environment3: "Maynard15-19-23"
- Ciliate+environment5: "Maynard15-17-19-21-23"
- Human gut: "Venturelli"
- Mouse gut: "Bucci"
- Protist: "Carrara"
It is also possible to add new dataset by following the file organization convention described above, as well as adding an entry in the /scripts/helper/load_data.jl and /scripts/helper/experiment_config.jl files.
The source folder contains the source code. The code has been formatted with function descriptions and comments to improve readability. The functions exported in /src/EcologicalNavigation.jl can be called from outside this folder/package as well.