Clone this project, open it in Android Studio and build it.
This app shows a list of the top three scoring football players in different leagues.
- Clone it
- Open it in Android Studio
- Let it download its dependencies
- Make the project once (since we have some intermediate classes which need to be generated)
- Chill :)
You should refactor the project properly and fix possible bugs or memory leaks with these requirements:
- Refactor the entire project using Jetpack Compose.
- Ensure the project is extensible.
- Choose an architecture you have experience with, such as MVP or MVI.
- Use Hilt for dependency injection.
- Implement the required logic in the radio buttons section.
- Write a couple of tests for the view's logic.
- (Optional) You can apply Clean Architecture for better maintainability.
We've tried to make the interview similar to our day-to-day work environment as much as it's possible. It means that:
- You would have access to Internet, stackoverflow, official documentations, your other code bases, ...
- There's no penalty for searching the internet or copy pasting code from other sources. There's only a penalty for not succeeding to solve the problem.
- We have not memorized all of the Android's APIs, we do not value memorizing them, and we don't expect you to have them memorized. We're developers too.
- Since the interview might take two hours or three, please feel free to have a break during it and pour yourself a cup of coffee, play a music in the background or anything else that you would do during actual work days. It's just a normal coding session, not a big deal.