My custom and pretty readable version of a RegEx like string manipulator made in GM for GM 2.3+
Suitable for quick searches or string validations
Expressions can be written in two modes: exact and simple
- Match
gmre_match(ex, string)
-> bool - Find
gmre_find(ex, str)
-> string - Find all
gmre_find_all(ex, str)
-> array of strings - Find position
gmre_find_pos(ex, str)
-> real - Find all positions
gmre_find_pos_all(ex, str)
-> array of reals - Replace
gmre_replace(ex, str, substr)
-> string - Replace all
gmre_replace_all(ex, str, substr_or_array)
-> string - Check if contains
gmre_contains(ex, str)
-> bool - Split
gmre_split(ex, str)
-> array of strings
simple - bool (optional, default: false)
Creating an expression:
var ex1 = new gmre_ex(expr_string, simple*);
var ex2 = new gmre_ex(expr_string, simple*);
var ex3 = new gmre_ex(expr_string, simple*);
Using an expression:
var result1 = gmre_*(ex1, string, ...)
var result2 = gmre_*(ex2, string, ...)
var result3 = gmre_*(ex3, string, ...)
Editing an existing expression
gmre_ex_parse(ex, new_expr_string, simple*)
You can check if the expression was parsed successfully with variable ex.ok
If ex.ok
returns false
you can show the error message using variable ex.err
which returns a string that will tell you what and where it went wrong
The entire system works around rules
There are 3 types of rules: charset []
, string ||
, loop ()
+ position subrule {}
Each rule can be negated, chained using repeats and can have a position subrule added to it
Spaces between rules are allowed except between >rule and repeat< and >negation and rule<
* - optional
<negation>* <rule> <repeats>* <pos>*
Any characters
Characters "x","y" and "z"
Char range from "x" to "y"
Char range from "x" to "y" + character "z"
[xy ]
Characters "x","y" and " " (space)
Only works for basic alphabet A-Z
and numbers 0-9
Lowercase only
Uppercase only
or x-Y
Both lowercase and uppercase are allowed (case insensitive)
String "x"
|x z|
String "x z"
String "xYz"
Loop cannot contain another loop
Empty loop
Loop containing a string rule and a charset rule
This subrule cannot be alone
Having loop rules inside isn't supported
<rule> {x=|a|}
The xth character of the rule on the left must be equal to the rule |a|
<rule> {x=|a|,[b]}
The xth character of the rule on the left must be equal to the rule |a|
OR to the rule [b]
<rule> {x,y=[a],|b|}
The xth character AND the yth character of the rule on the left must be equal to the rule [a]
OR to the rule |b|
The lowercase "n" stands for the last character and +
or -
can be added to it to add or subtract a number from this position
<rule> {n=|a|}
The last character of the rule on the left must be equal to the rule |a|
<rule> {n-1=|a|}
The penultimate character of the rule on the left must be equal to the rule |a|
Rules can be also used to find a position and +
or -
can be added to it to add or subtract a number from this position
<rule> {[a]+1=[b]}
All positions of characters that meet the condition of the rule [a]
+1 must be equal to the rule |b|
<rule> {[a]-1,|b|+2=[b],|c|}
Positions of [a]
-1 AND |b|
+2 must be equal to rules [b]
OR |c|
You can simply do var result = gmre_do_something(new gmre_ex(...), ...)
but it's always faster to create expressions in the Create event so you don't parse rules AND process strings at the same time (like every step)
is the same as |abc|
A rule with min 0 repeats isn't mandatory: [a][b]0-2[c]
matches with "abc", "abbc" and also "ac"
Characters used for parsing rules [ ] { } ( ) |
inside charsets/strings require \
before them to prevent parsing mistakes -> [A-z0-9\[\]\{\}\|]
, |abc\(d\)efg|
With all valid special characters according to this site:
mval_str = "[A-z0-9.!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`\{\|]1-64 {1,n,[.!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`\{\|]+1=![.!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`\{\|]} |@| ([A-z0-9-]1-40{1,n=![-]}|.|)1-4 [A-z0-9-]1-10 {1,n=![-]}";
ex_mail_validator = new gmre_ex(mval_str);
Step or whatever:
var is_valid = gmre_match(ex_mail_validator, "[email protected]");
is_valid = true
ex_split_spaces = new gmre_ex("| |"); // or in simple syntax: new gmre_ex(" ", true);
Step or whatever:
var split_arr = gmre_split(ex_split_spaces, "blah blah blah");
split_arr = ["blah", "blah", "blah"]
In simple mode
You can get Foreach for GM here ;)
inventory = ["pickaxe", "axe", "red potion", "blue potion"]
ex_inv_search = new gmre_ex();
found_results = [];
Step or whatever:
if keyboard_check_released(vk_anykey) {
gmre_ex_parse(ex_inv_search, <some_keyboard_input>, true);
found_results = [];
foreach inventory into item exec {
var cont = gmre_contains(ex_inv_search, item);
if cont array_push(found_results, item);
found_results = ["pickaxe", "axe"]
if some_keyboard_input = "axe"
found_results = ["pickaxe", "red potion", "blue potion"]
if some_keyboard_input = "p"
found_results = ["red potion", "blue potion"]
if some_keyboard_input = "pot"