Flask-Music-app A Simple MUsic web app with flask as framework in python, mysql as database that can play music,manage playlists,Download songs,etc.
Prerequisites Python 3.0 sqlite
Packages required: flask passlib flask_mail flask_mysqldb wtforms bs4 TinyTag
Installing Packages
- Do pip3 install -r requirements.txt
How to Run app:
- Clone the repo to your local machine.
- Install the above given packages.
- Then do python3 app.py.
- open in Your local browser.
- Login
- Play albums using music player.
- Download any song of your choice.
- Share song URL.
How to Contribute:
- Fork the project using the fork option.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Now add upstream by using command - git remote add upstream "name of my repo"
- Create a new branch on your local machine.
- Start contributing and make a pull request to apply these changes.
You can report any other issues also