TODO app, mainly for a practical learning experience of Rust
cargo install todors
You can also head over to the GitHub release page and download the binary for your platform.
docker pull meysam81/todors
# or
docker pull
The usage is as follows:
todors serve grpc -p 50051 -H
todors serve http -p 8000 -H
# Both port & host are optional, but ipv6 can also be used
todors serve http -H ::1
todors create "My first todo"
todors list
todors update 1 --title "My first todo updated"
todors update 1 --done
todors update 1 --undone
todors delete 1
todors completion bash | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/todors
todors serve http
todors serve grpc
# exposed at localhost:50051
Usage: todors <COMMAND>
serve Serve either the gRPC or REST over HTTP server
create Create a new TODO with a title
delete Delete a TODO by ID
list List all TODOs
update Update a TODO by ID
completion Generate shell completion
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version