This repository holds the Kustomization for some of the well-known applications to be deployed in a Kubernetes cluster.
The reason for this repository is the inflexibility and lack of expressiveness I have personally found the official Helm charts to have. This repository tackles that by providing a YAML-based configuration that can easily be modified as required.
If you're interested to use any of these applications, you can refer to the
directory in each app to see a real-world example.
Make sure to modify the ref
as of the latest tag of the GitHub repository to
ensure consistency and reproducibility.
For your reference, here's a quickstart:
# kustomization.yml
This repository comes with an officially supported OCI registry. For usage with FluxCD, you can use the following snippet:
kind: OCIRepository
name: kustomizations
namespace: flux-system
interval: 12h
semver: '>=0.1.0'
url: oci://
provider: cosign
- issuer: "^$"
subject: "^*$"
kind: Kustomization
name: echo-server
namespace: flux-system
interval: 1h
path: ./echo-server/overlays/default
prune: true
retryInterval: 2m
kind: OCIRepository
name: kustomizations
targetNamespace: default
timeout: 5m
wait: true
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: meysam81-kustomizations-repository
namespace: argocd
labels: repository
project: default
type: helm
enableOCI: "true"
I have seen many issues with the officially supported Helm chart of the provided applications in this repository.
To name a few, inability to modify volumes and environment variables when using third party services such as external-secrets operator is a real deal breaker when it comes to production deployment.
With the Kustomizations you see in this repo, that is just one patch away from manifestation.
I believe Kustomization is way better than the templating language of Helm. Although I respect the people maintaining the upstream charts, and regardless of the fact that I also use most of the Helm charts in my day-to-day work, I prefer Kustomization because of its expressiveness and flexibility.
In my opinion, being the first-class citizen in the Kubernetes ecosystem makes Kustomization is a superior choice for deploying applications.
Additionally, modifying the upstream Helm charts, if not done right by the maintainer, can leave the end-user in a big hassle, e.g., when trying to mount secrets from External Secrets!
Kustomization, however, has it all. There is nothing you can't do when deploying apps with Kustomization stack and with its powerful patch functionality.
Feel free to open a PR or an issue in case you want anything specific added.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.