This tutorial shows how to use different parts of Knative.
There's a presentation that accompanies the tutorial.

You need to install Knative and its dependencies (eg. Istio). See Knative Installation page for official instructions your platform.
Alternatively, there are scripts in setup folder to install Knative, Istio on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). You can follow the instructions there.
We tested this tutorial on:
- GKE: 1.21.5-gke.1300
- Istio: 1.10.5
- Knative Serving: 1.0.0
- Knative Eventing: 1.0.0
- Knative-GCP: 0.23.0
- Tekton: 0.22.0
If everything worked, all Knative components should show a STATUS
of Running
kubectl get pods -n knative-serving
kubectl get pods -n knative-eventing
kubectl get pods -n cloud-run-events
kubectl get pods -n tekton-pipelines
Knative Serving
- Hello World Serving
- Change configuration
- Traffic splitting
- Configure autoscaling
- gRPC with Knative
- Cluster local services
- Integrate with Twilio
Knative Eventing
- Hello World Eventing
- Simple Delivery
- Complex Delivery
- Complex Delivery with reply
- Broker and Trigger Delivery
- Scheduled service
- Event registry
Knative Eventing with Google Cloud
- Cloud Pub/Sub triggered service
- Cloud Storage triggered service
- Integrate with Translation API
- Integrate with Vision API
- Image processing pipeline
- BigQuery processing pipeline
Tekton Pipelines
Knative Build (Deprecated)
This is not an official Google product.