- Rails 4.1.1 or higher
- Ruby 2.1.2 or higher
Start by adding the gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install
gem 'formgen', github: 'metaminded/formgen'
To get Formgen working, the database migrations are needed. Install them with
rake formgen:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
Formgen provides a backend to manage your forms and some helpers to integrate them into your page.
The backend can be called by linking to the formgen.forms_path
The basic call to render a form in your views. Multiple arguments are allowed to customize the behaviour of the form.
- id: The id that will be used to identify the form or
- path: The path will be used to identify the form.
- options:
- flash [true]: Display flash notices
- remember [false]: Remember input of the user
- submit_text: Alternative text for the submit button
Renders the complete editor for forms and questions.
- id: The id that will be used to identify the form or
- path: The path will be used to identify the form.
- options:
- fields_only [false]
Renders the editor for questions only.
It integrates into an existing nested_form.
The form_for is the object of the nested_form, obj is an instance of a class, that acts like a form.
Use include Formgen::ActsAsForm
for this propose.
- path: The path will be used to identify the form.
- options:
Renders the editor for answers into another form.
It integrates into an existing form.
The form_for is the object of the form, obj is an instance of a class, that acts like a form.
Use include Formgen::ActsAsForm
for this propose.
- path: The path will be used to identify the form.
- options:
- remember [false]
Saves the reply of the render_reply_for helper in the controller.
- path: The path will be used to identify the form.
You can add the following to config/initialiyers/formgen.rb
Formgen.setup do |config|
# My config goes here
config.always_mail_to = '[email protected]'
Every form will now send an email to [email protected], even if another address is set in the form. Then it will send it to both addresses.
If you want to set a prefix, so that you can see, from which page the email was sent, you can add the following line.
config.subject_prefix = '[MyWebpage]'
In most projects you want to have the backend forms to check if the user is signed in. This is the default behavior. If you want to skip the authentication you can set the following flag.
config.skip_authentication = true
To create an answer, you may not to authenticate every user. The default behavior for answers is that the authentication is skipped. To change this you can set the following flag.
config.skip_answer_authentication = false
To check, if a user can fill in a form, you can change the Allow anonym answers Flag while editing the form. If the flag is off, a method is called, to check, if the user is signed in. If the default isn't enough for you, you can change it with the following line.
config.can_answer_form = proc { |user| user.present? }
config.add_question_type 1001, 'My Type',
question_callback: ->(question, value, classes) { ... },
display_callback: ->(value) { "My Result" },
validation_callback: ->(value) { return !value }
1001 is the id. It should be unique and greater than 1000. My Type is the title that will be displayed. The question_callback and the validation_callback are required. The display_callback is optional. If it isn't present, the plain value will be rendered.
If you don't use devise or if the backend controllers should not authenticate the user, you can skip the authentication.
config.skip_authentication = true
This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.