This is an approach to provide a web application to play around with Metafactures languages Fix, Flux and Morph inspired by the JSON-LD Playground. This project is inititially created using the leiningen re-frame template.
The production deployment is available at
The current test deployment is available at
Both deployments provide a web application and an HTTP API
Here you can read about contributing to Metafacture Playground.
Install Docker Engine by follwing the guide for your distro.
Install Docker Compose as a plugin.
Alternatively, you may want to use the Docker Desktop environment which includes a GUI and all Docker components.
git clone
cd metafacture-playground
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
In development mode the local deployment is available at http://localhost:8280.
docker compose up
In production mode the local deployment is available at http://localhost:3000.
Use the --detach
option to run containers in the background, recommended when deploy on servers.
Limits for max number of CPUs and RAM usage are set in docker-compose.yml
Currently limits are set to 3 CPUs and 8GB RAM.
Java 11 processes are per default allowed to use up to 25% of the availbale RAM if Xmx is not set. This means that the playground process can use up to 2GB java heap space.
docker compose logs --timestamps
For more options see
Before starting you need to install Leiningen and a JDK (minimum Java 11).
General setup on Unix (see for other options):
mkdir ~/bin
wget -O ~/bin/lein
chmod a+x ~/bin/lein
This project depends on metafacture-core, which is work in progress. It is possible to display the current version of dependencies in the UI. To display the version, please read this section. This is especially reasonable when installing on a server.
Clone and install metafacture-core:
$ git clone
$ cd metafacture-core
$ ./gradlew install
$ .\gradlew.bat install
This project depends on metafacture-fix, which is work in progress. It is possible to display the current version of dependencies in the UI. To display the version, please read this section. This is especially reasonable when installing on a server.
Clone and install metafacture-fix:
$ git clone -b 1.0.0
$ cd metafacture-fix
$ ./gradlew install
$ .\gradlew.bat install
$ git clone
$ cd metafacture-playground
The Metafacture Playground uses the Java Security Manager, so you need to configure proper permissions to run the Metafacture Playground.
Please move .java.policy_move_to_home_dir
from the project's resources to your user's home directory and remove the suffix '_move_to_home_dir'.
Please adapt in the Java policy the lines concerning the file '.project' like described in the policy.
If there are problems starting and/or running the Playground, to find the problem it may help to add in the project.clj under the key ':jvm-opts' the entry '""' to see if a permission is missing.
When using development mode you don't have to restart when changing files. They will be reloaded automatically.
lein watch
Wait a bit, perhaps 20 seconds, keeping an eye out for a sign the compile has finished, then browse to http://localhost:8280.
Set the java version to 11, like:
export JAVA_CMD=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java
To test, compile and build the frontend run:
lein test; lein release
Then start the server with:
lein run
Browse to http://localhost:3000.
When installing the Metafacture Playground to a server it's important for users to know which version of Metafacture Core and Metafacture Fix are used to process the workflows in the playground.
To display these versions (or any other dependency of the playground) you have to put a file with the corresponding dependency name into the folder resources/versions
, e.g. the dependency of Metafacture Fix is named org.metafacture/metafix
in the project.clj, so we need a file named metafix
in the folder resources/versions
to display the version used in the project.clj in the UI.
The content of this file is a URI that should link to the corresponding version or branch commit and should be adapted manually. In the future the content of these files should be adapted automatically when installing Metafacture Fix or Metafacture Core on the server where the playground is running.
To display the Metafacture Core dependency we use org.metafacture/metafacture-framework
If a released version is used, the content of the file contains the link to the release, e.g.
If the master/main or another branch is used, the content of the file should contain a link to the commit like (Please use the short hash link).
Install karma and headless chrome
npm install -g karma-cli
Point to your Chrome binary, e.g.
export CHROME_BIN='/usr/bin/chromium-browser'
And then run your tests
lein watch
And in another terminal:
karma start
lein test
You also can run workflows on the web server without the web application, passing the GET parameters
with value
1{a: Faust, b {n: Goethe, v: JW}, c: Weimar}
2{a: Räuber, b {n: Schiller, v: F}, c: Weimar}
with value
and transformation
with value
move_field(_id, id)
move_field(a, title)
paste(author, b.v, b.n, '~aus', c)
retain(id, title, author)
The parameter values must be URL-encoded so the URL looks like this:
Beside the web application the Metafacture Playground provides a HTTP API to process workflows. All you need is to provide the workflow information as JSON parameters in your POST request.
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"data":"1{a: Faust, b {n: Goethe, v: JW}, c: Weimar}\n2{a: Räuber, b {n: Schiller, v: F}, c: Weimar}","flux":"inputFile\n|open-file\n|as-lines\n|decode-formeta\n|fix(transformationFile)\n|encode-xml(rootTag=\"collection\")\n|print\n;","transformation":"move_field(_id, id)\nmove_field(a, title)\npaste(author, b.v, b.n, \"~aus\", c)\nretain(id, title,