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Ariel Rey edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 2 revisions

SDK Architecture (resources)

The SDK exports a JSON object exposing the resources to the integrator. You can access them to execute valid operations. The resources are the following:

  • payment
  • preferences
  • preapproval
  • customers
  • merchant_orders
  • money_requests
  • connect
  • ipn

You can access them from the sdk:

var mercadopago = require('mercadopago');


create: [Function],
update: [Function],
get: [Function],
search: [Function],

This will allow you to execute operations, like, creating a payment:

  description: 'Buying a PS4',
  transaction_amount: 10500,
  payment_method_id: 'rapipago',
  payer: {
    email: '[email protected]',
    identification: {
      type: 'DNI',
      number: '34123123'
}).then(function (mpResponse) {
}).catch(function (mpError) {

This will output:

mercadopagoResponse {
   { id: 2556382,
     date_created: '2017-01-19T17:00:21.000-04:00',
     date_approved: null,
     date_last_updated: '2017-01-19T17:00:21.000-04:00',
     money_release_date: null,
     operation_type: 'regular_payment',
     issuer_id: null,
     payment_method_id: 'rapipago',
     payment_type_id: 'ticket',
     status: 'pending',
     status_detail: 'pending_waiting_payment',
     currency_id: 'ARS',
     description: 'Descripción',
     live_mode: false,
     sponsor_id: null,
     authorization_code: null,
     collector_id: 239656545,
      { type: 'guest',
        id: null,
        email: '[email protected]',
        identification: [Object],
        phone: [Object],
        first_name: 'Test',
        last_name: 'Test',
        entity_type: null },
     metadata: {},
     order: {},
     external_reference: null,
     transaction_amount: 10,
     transaction_amount_refunded: 0,
     coupon_amount: 0,
     differential_pricing_id: null,
     deduction_schema: null,
      { net_received_amount: 0,
        total_paid_amount: 10,
        overpaid_amount: 0,
        external_resource_url: '',
        installment_amount: 0,
        financial_institution: null,
        payment_method_reference_id: '2556383' },
     fee_details: [],
     captured: true,
     binary_mode: false,
     call_for_authorize_id: null,
     statement_descriptor: null,
     installments: 1,
     card: {},
     notification_url: null,
     refunds: [] },
  status: 201,
  idempotency: '7fea2db6-fc84-436f-b6f4-457f7f5f151e',
  pagination: undefined
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