Membrane plugin for merging multiple input streams into a single output.
It can be used for collecting data from multiple inputs and sending it through one output.
It is part of Membrane Multimedia Framework.
The package can be installed by adding membrane_funnel_plugin
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:membrane_funnel_plugin, "~> 0.9.2"}
Playing this pipeline should merge two files a.txt
and b.txt
into file c.txt
defmodule FunnelDemo do
use Membrane.Pipeline
def handle_init(_) do
children = [
a_source: %Membrane.File.Source{location: "a.txt"},
b_source: %Membrane.File.Source{location: "b.txt"},
funnel: Membrane.Funnel,
sink: %Membrane.File.Sink{location: "c.txt"}
links = [
link(:a_source) |> to(:funnel),
link(:b_source) |> to(:funnel),
link(:funnel) |> to(:sink)
spec = %ParentSpec{children: children, links: links}
{{:ok, spec: spec, playback: :playing}, %{}}
Copyright 2020, Software Mansion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0