This repository contains plugs that generate opentelemetry spans.
It's a part of the Membrane Framework.
The package can be installed by adding membrane_opentelemetry_plugs
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:membrane_opentelemetry_plugs, "~> 0.1.0"}
To enable a plug, you have to include it in the project config. You can also specify, which Membrane pipelines you want to track (defaults to :all
config :membrane_opentelemetry_plugs,
plugs: [Membrane.OpenTelemetry.Plugs.Launch],
tracked_pipelines: [My.Pipeline, My.Another.Pipeline]
Currently the only one plug that exists in this repo is Membrane.OpenTelemetry.Plugs.Launch
Copyright 2020, Software Mansion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0