me@box:~$ galen profile list
me@box:~$ # create a new profile
me@box:~$ galen profile new prd --endpoint
Created profile 'prd'.
me@box:~$ # tail for logs containing the text "request error"
me@box:~$ galen --profile prd tail "request error"
2023-02-27T19:42:53.643Z - obtained request error from API
me@box:~$ # search for logs containing the text "request error" for yesterday
me@box:~$ galen --profile prd search --since yesterday --until today "request error"
2023-02-25T19:41:52Z parsing request error 500 from server
me@box:~$ # create a new profile with auth by passing password from stdin
me@box:~$ galen profile new prd --endpoint --user foo --password < pass-file
Created profile 'prd'.
me@box:~$ # set profile as default
me@box:~$ galen profile set-default prd
Profile 'prd' is now the default profile.
me@box:~$ # update an existing profile
me@box:~$ galen profile update prd --delta 60
Updated profile 'prd'.