This Sudoku game is a project written in Python. This project implements Python GUI, Object-Oriented Programming principles, and backtracking.
As this project is written in Python, I have chosen Pygame to enable user interaction.
This project uses multiple principles of Object-Oriented Programming to help simplify the code, including abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.
The solve method of this project utilized a backtracking algorithm to recursively test for correct choices for each available spot.
- Start by running the program.
- At the main menu screen, select your difficulty.
- To input a number, select the square you want and input a number.
- To remove a number, select a square and hit the DELETE key.
- The check button will show you if there are any conflicting inputs.
- The solve button will show the program using backtracking to test different inputs.
- The new game button will send you back to the main menu screen.