This is a project for CSCI540: Advanced Database at Montana State University. We use data science applications in statistical R to explore the National Crime Victimization Survey and factors which may be associated with Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
##Obtaining and Setting Up Dataset
- Create a "Data" directory in the directory where your project will be run.
- Inside of the "Data" directory, create directories for each year (2009-2014 at the time of this implementation).
- Download the tsv file (listed as Excel/TSV file on the site), which can be found at the commented links in the Data_Manager.R code, and navigate to the file that ends in ".tsv", placing it in the approriate year directory (there should be 5 TSV files for each year).
- You may now run the R code provided.
##Files in this Repo Data_Manager.R This script generates the R-Data files from the TSV files loaded in the "Obtaining and Setting Up Dataset" section above. It is the most poorly coded script (hence why it is sitting in its own time-out file, if I were going to maintain this code, I would change it to dynamically load the data for each year folder instead of hardcoding for each year).
It reads the TSV files for each year, combines them into one datatable for the year, and subsets the data into just the columns of interest. It finally saves a RDA file for the year.
- The working directory should be in the script folder
- Be aware of the
This helped with some memory allocation issues, but it may effect different machines in different ways. - You can add, delete, or modify variables you want to investigate with the
variable on line 24.
Data_Manager_Custom.R This script loads R-Data files from the Data_Manager file above. It combines all years into one dataset, removes the na values, we add derived variables (for example: we are interested in Intimate Partner Violance (IPV) so either the attacker is a spouse, ex-spouse, or boyfriend/girlfriend). It will also plot histograms of the distributions (for sanity checks).
This file is primarily to load the R Workspace with clean data that we can finally, easily perform more interesting analysis, as well as resetting the workspace to the same foundation as we explore multiple types of analysis.
Probit.R This script performs and assesses probit analysis on the dataset.
MachineLearning.R This script uses the caret package to assess Naives Bayes, Decision Tree, and K Nearest Neighbor models of the dataset.