Scripts for analyzing VNTR-eQTLs in GTEx cohort (link to the paper) and genotyping performance comparisons
- VNTR genotypes of the entire GTEx cohort as outputted by adVNTR in the default format (one text file for each individual) using WGS data aligned to GRCh38 (available from dbGaP phs000424.v7.p2).
- Phenotype file for GTEx cohort (ethnicity and sex are used). accession: pht002742.v7.p2 and exact version used in paper: phs000424.v7.pht002742.v7.p2.c1.GTEx_Subject_Phenotypes.GRU.txt
- SNP genotypes file for GTEx cohort (phg001219.v1.GTEx_v8_WGS.genotype-calls-vcf.c1). This file is used to compare effect of VNTR variants and SNPs, and identifying population structure.
- RNA-expression data for GTEx cohort in different tissues as a table (phe000020.v1.GTEx_RNAseq.expression-data-matrixfmt.c1).
- SRA run table for GTEx expreiments downloaded from dbGaP. (used to identify corresponding tissue for each expreiment id)
Linear regression results showing association of the length of each VNTR with the expression level of its nearest gene in each of the 46 tissues.
The pipeline will create a directory called regression_results
for the output. It contains 46 subdirectories (one for each tissue) and each of them have a tab separated file for each VNTR showing linear test for the VNTR in the corresponding tissue.
│ │ 100374.txt
│ │ 100436.txt
│ │ ...
│ │ 100374.txt
│ │ 100436.txt
│ │ ...
Each text file contains 6 tab separated values:
Genename Chromosome VNTR Coordinate Start Effect Size (B) P-value Standard Error (Bse)
For example, regression_results/Whole-Blood/423956.txt
(result of the association test for VNTR 423956 in Whole Blood) will have the following content:
POMC chr2 25161573 0.21217799507799368 1.1501572764235368e-05 0.047746755235986996
- adVNTR: this can be installed with
conda config --add channels bioconda; conda install advntr
- eigensoft: this can be installed with
apt install eigensoft
on linux orconda install -c bioconda/label/cf201901 eigensoft
using conda package manager on supported systems. - PEER: to correct for non genetic factors affecting gene expression level.
- Python libraries: statsmodels, pandas, numpy
These can be installed withpip install pandas numpy statsmodels
or withconda install -c conda-forge statsmodels
. - TRTools: for filtering target loci
- CAVIAR: for fine-mapping the causal variant.
- From sra run table, we first extract the entries related to RNA-seq experiments:
zcat SraRunTable.txt.gz | grep "RNA-Seq" > Sra_table_RNA-Seq_only
- Using
, we then break up the rpkm expression matrix (phe000020.v1.GTEx_RNAseq.expression-data-matrixfmt.c1/GTEx_Data_20160115_v7_RNAseq_RNASeQCv1.1.8_gene_rpkm.gct) for different tissues:
python Sra_table_RNA-Seq_only rpkm_file.gct Expression_by_Subtissue/
will contain Whole Blood.rpkm
, Brain - Cortex.rpkm
, etc. This command usually takes an hour to complete.
- To convert microarray genotypes to plink format and keep common variants to infer population structure, run following:
vcftools --gzvcf GTEx_Analysis_2017-06-05_v8_WholeGenomeSeq_866Indiv.vcf.gz --recode --maf 0.05 --remove-filtered-all --out filtered_snps
plink --vcf filtered_snps.vcf --biallelic-only --maf 0.05 --recode --out plink_866Ind_filtered_biallelic_snps_0.05maf
Since the vcf files are large, this step may take up to one day depending on the system.
to parent directory of GTEx dataset in the
scripts and run PCA and store results in PCA_results
./ PCA_results
Run PEER factor identification scripts for each tissue (Expression_by_Subtissue
directory was specified in preprocessing-part2).
python Expression_by_Subtissue PEER_results
This step may take 1-2 days to finish.
This step will take less than a day to generate the regression_results
python VNTR_genotypes/ Expression_by_Subtissue/
should contain 652 files (one per individual) as outputted by adVNTR for each sample.
Run following script to read regression_results
and identify tissue-specific significance thresholds.