A perfect python based proxy server with both IPV6/IPV4 support
- pip install uproxy
- python -m uproxy.UProxy
- config your proxy client with server:8000
- DNS configure is not always allowed, but proxy is most of time!
- Https is auto supported because HTTP CONNECT is supported
- Safe from DNS cache poisoning
- Easy to deploy on gateway to just serve for lan client
- pip install uproxy?
- Create a start script in some place(like ~/bin/start_uproxy), like
python -m uproxy -b [lan address like or]
- Auto run by cron after reboot (create job by crontab -e),
@reboot /sbin/start-stop-daemon -S -x ~/bin/start_uproxy -b
- Lan client config http proxy by [lan address like]:[port num like 8000]
ssh -L 8000: remoter_user@remotehost
- python setup.py sdist
- python -m twine upload dist/*
ref: https://blog.jetbrains.com/pycharm/2017/05/how-to-publish-your-package-on-pypi/ https://packaging.python.org/guides/migrating-to-pypi-org/
Any pull request is welcome.
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