This repo is just an integration of original js-library including css into Magento 2.
The (extremely) lightweight alternative to the mmenu.js plugin for creating off-canvas mobile menus with the exact look and feel.
For more information about "mmenu light", please check out the following links:
- Repository
- Demo & documentation
- License: CC-BY-4.0
- We have not changed the two reused files of "mmenu light"
- Author: Fred Heusschen [email protected]
cd <magento_root>
composer require mediarox/module-js-mmenu-light
bin/magento setup:upgrade
let navigationSelector = 'nav.navigation';
let navigationToggleSelector = '[data-action="toggle-nav"]';
let navigationActiveUlSelector = ' > ul.submenu';
let navigationMobileMediaQuery = '(max-width: 767px)';
], function ($) {
// validate required elements
const navigation = document.querySelector(navigationSelector);
const navigationToggle = document.querySelector(navigationToggleSelector);
if(!navigation || !navigationToggle) return;
// init mmmenu
const mobileMenu = new MmenuLight(navigation, navigationMobileMediaQuery);
const mobileMenuNavigator = mobileMenu.navigation();
const mobileMenuDrawer = mobileMenu.offcanvas();
// set active panel if needed
const activePanel = document.querySelector(navigationActiveUlSelector);
if(activePanel) {
// add click/open event
navigationToggle.addEventListener("click", (event) => {