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Add a drop-in replacement for UIViewController.present working with M…
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aleh committed Jul 1, 2023
1 parent 5d0306c commit 1447afe
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Showing 4 changed files with 309 additions and 6 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions MMMCommonUI.podspec
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ do |s| = "MMMCommonUI"
s.version = "3.7.4"
s.version = "3.8.0"
s.summary = "Small UI-related pieces reused in many components from MMMTemple"
s.description = "#{s.summary}."
s.homepage = "{}"
Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ do |s|

s.subspec 'ObjC' do |ss|
ss.source_files = [ "Sources/#{}ObjC/*.{h,m}" ]
ss.dependency 'MMMCommonCore/ObjC'
ss.dependency 'MMMCommonCore', '~> 1.15'
ss.dependency 'MMMLoadable/ObjC'
ss.dependency 'MMMLog/ObjC'
ss.dependency 'MMMObservables/ObjC'
Expand All @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ do |s|
s.subspec 'Swift' do |ss|
ss.source_files = [ "Sources/#{}/*.swift" ]
ss.dependency "#{}/ObjC"
ss.dependency 'MMMCommonCore'
ss.dependency 'MMMCommonCore', '~> 1.15'
ss.dependency 'MMMLoadable'
ss.dependency 'MMMLog'
ss.dependency 'MMMObservables'
Expand Down
299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions Sources/MMMCommonUI/UIViewController+MMMNavigationStack.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
// Starbucks App.
// Copyright (c) 2023 MediaMonks. All rights reserved.

import UIKit
import MMMLog

@objc public protocol MMMNavigationStackHelperToken {
func markAsDismissed()

extension UIViewController {

public typealias MMMNavigationDismissRequestCompletion = (_ successfully: Bool) -> Void
public typealias MMMNavigationDismissRequest = (_ didDismiss: @escaping MMMNavigationDismissRequestCompletion) -> Void

public enum MMMExternalDismissRequest {
/// Reject all requests to programmatically dismiss the corresponding view controller.
case decline
/// It's enough to call ``UIViewController.dismiss(animated:completion:)`` to programmatically dismiss
/// the corresponding view controller, no extra steps necessary.
case justDismiss
/// It's enough to call ``UIViewController.dismiss(animated:completion:)`` followed by a few synchronous
/// instructions to programmatically dismiss the corresponding view controller.
case dismissThen(() -> Void)
/// A custom piece of code is needed to dismiss the corresponding view controller. The code receives a
/// `didDismiss` that must be eventually called after the dismissal completes (or cannot be completed).
case custom(MMMNavigationDismissRequest)

/// A drop-in replacement for `UIViewController.present(_:animated:completion:)` recording the presentation
/// with ``MMMNavigationStack`` to properly dismiss the view controller when the app needs to programmatically
/// unwind the current UI flow to navigate somewhere else (e.g. while opening a deep link).
/// - Parameter onExternalDismissRequest:
/// Describes what needs to be done to programmatically dismiss the view controller being presented
/// while programmatically unwinding the UI.
/// - Returns:
/// The token that can be used to properly update ``MMMNavigationStack`` in case the view controller cannot
/// be dismissed via matching ``UIViewController.mmm_dismiss(animated:completion:)``.
/// This method needs to be used in conjunction with ``UIViewController.mmm_dismiss(animated:completion:)`` replacing
/// ``UIViewController.dismiss(animated:completion:)`` or, when that's not possible, while timely marking
/// the view controller as dismissed via a call to ``MMMNavigationStackHelperToken.markAsDismissed()`` on the
/// returned token.
public func mmm_present(
_ viewController: UIViewController,
animated: Bool,
onExternalDismissRequest: MMMExternalDismissRequest,
completion: (() -> Void)? = nil
) -> MMMNavigationStackHelperToken? {

present(viewController, animated: animated, completion: completion)

// Assuming that `presentingViewController` is set after the above call.
guard let presentingViewController = viewController.presentingViewController else {
assertionFailure("Could not present \(MMMTypeName(viewController)) via \(MMMTypeName(self))?")
return nil

return MMMNavigationStackHelper.instanceFor(presentingViewController).push(
viewController: viewController,
externalDismissRequest: {
switch onExternalDismissRequest {
case .justDismiss:
return { [weak viewController] didDismiss in
guard let viewController = viewController else {
assertionFailure("Trying to dismiss a view controller that is gone already?")
viewController.mmm_dismiss(animated: true) {
case .dismissThen(let callback):
return { [weak viewController] didDismiss in
guard let viewController = viewController else {
assertionFailure("Trying to dismiss a view controller that is gone already?")
viewController.mmm_dismiss(animated: true) {
case .decline:
return { didDismiss in
case .custom(let callback):
return callback

/// ObjC-friendly version of ``mmm_present(_:animated:onExternalDismissRequest:completion:)``.
public func mmm_present(
_ viewController: UIViewController,
animated: Bool,
onExternalDismissRequest: @escaping MMMNavigationDismissRequest,
completion: (() -> Void)? = nil
) -> MMMNavigationStackHelperToken? {
animated: animated,
onExternalDismissRequest: .custom(onExternalDismissRequest),
completion: completion

/// A drop-in replacement for ``UIViewController.dismiss(animated:completion:)`` to be used in conjunction with
/// ``mmm_present(_:animated:onExternalDismissRequest:completion:)``. Check the latter for more info.
/// It should be safe to call this even for the view controllers that were not presented via
/// ``mmm_present(_:animated:onExternalDismissRequest:completion:)`` (though you'll get a trace in the logs).
public func mmm_dismiss(
animated flag: Bool,
completion: (() -> Void)? = nil
) {
// I am not quite sure about the logic of dismiss() call, but this should be enough for our use cases.
let viewControllerToBeDismissed = self.presentedViewController ?? self
guard let presentingViewController = viewControllerToBeDismissed.presentingViewController else {
assertionFailure("Could not figure out the presenting view controller for \(MMMTypeName(viewControllerToBeDismissed))")
self.dismiss(animated: flag, completion: completion)

self.dismiss(animated: flag) {

/// Should be used to properly update the state of ``MMMNavigationStack`` after a view controller presented
/// via ``UIViewController.mmm_present(_:animated:onExternalDismissRequest:completion:)`` is dismissed without
/// the use of a matching ``UIViewController.mmm_dismiss(animated:completion:)`` call.
/// This is an alternative to ``MMMNavigationStackHelperToken.markAsDismissed()`` called on the token
/// returned by ``UIViewController.mmm_present(_:animated:onExternalDismissRequest:completion:)``,
/// which might not always be convenient. Note however that this must to be called on the actual presenting
/// view controller which is not always the same as the view controller receiving the `mmm_present` call!
public func mmm_markAsDismissed(_ viewController: UIViewController) {

private class MMMNavigationStackHelper: NSObject, MMMNavigationStackItemDelegate, MMMLogSource {

public let logContext: String = "MMMNavigationStackHelper"

private static var key: Int = 110 // In percents.

public static func instanceFor(_ obj: NSObject) -> MMMNavigationStackHelper {
if let helper = objc_getAssociatedObject(obj, &key) as? MMMNavigationStackHelper {
return helper
let helper = MMMNavigationStackHelper()
objc_setAssociatedObject(obj, &key, helper, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
return helper

private class Record {

public let navigationItem: MMMNavigationStackItem
public private(set) weak var viewController: UIViewController?
public let externalDismissRequest: UIViewController.MMMNavigationDismissRequest

internal init(
navigationItem: MMMNavigationStackItem,
viewController: UIViewController?,
externalDismissRequest: @escaping UIViewController.MMMNavigationDismissRequest
) {
self.navigationItem = navigationItem
self.viewController = viewController
self.externalDismissRequest = externalDismissRequest

private var records: [Record] = []

public func push(
viewController: UIViewController,
externalDismissRequest: @escaping UIViewController.MMMNavigationDismissRequest
) -> MMMNavigationStackHelperToken? {

let item = MMMNavigationStack.shared().pushItem(
name: MMMTypeName(viewController),
delegate: self,
controller: viewController
guard let item else {
// It's possible that the push is not successful, this will be logged by the stack.
return nil

let record = Record(
navigationItem: item,
viewController: viewController,
externalDismissRequest: externalDismissRequest


return Token(helper: self, record: record)

public func pop(_ viewController: UIViewController) {

if let recordPoppingNow {
if recordPoppingNow.viewController === viewController {
// The record is already removed as part of the pop request, nothing to do here.
} else {
MMMLogError(self, "Trying to remove a record for a \(MMMTypeName(viewController)) while popping a different instance (\(MMMTypeName(recordPoppingNow.viewController)))")
// It would be a weird case, but let it continue in production.

guard let record = records.last, record.viewController === viewController else {
MMMLogTrace(self, "Trying to remove a record for a \(MMMTypeName(viewController)) when it's not on top or does not exist")
// Not asserting here because we want mmm_dismiss() to be safe to call with view controllers
// that were not presented with mmm_present.

private var recordPoppingNow: Record?

public func pop(_ item: MMMNavigationStackItem) {

let record = records.last,
record.navigationItem === item,
recordPoppingNow == nil
else {
MMMLogError(self, "Trying to pop an item that's not on top in our records or while popping something already")

recordPoppingNow = record

record.externalDismissRequest { [weak self] succeeded in

guard let self = self else { return }

guard self.recordPoppingNow === record else {
// Can happen in case markAsPopped was called in the meantime.

self.recordPoppingNow = nil

if succeeded {
} else {

private func markAsPopped(_ record: Record) {

records.removeAll { $0 === record }

if recordPoppingNow === record {
recordPoppingNow = nil


@objc private class Token: NSObject, MMMNavigationStackHelperToken {

private let helper: MMMNavigationStackHelper
private let record: Record

public init(helper: MMMNavigationStackHelper, record: Record) {
self.helper = helper
self.record = record

public func markAsDismissed() {
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Sources/MMMCommonUIObjC/MMMNavigation.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
@import MMMLog;

@import MMMCommonCore;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,7 +339,7 @@ - (void)continueRequest:(MMMNavigationRequest *)request path:(MMMNavigationPath
if ([handler conformsToProtocol:@protocol(MMMNavigationHandler)] && [handler performNavigationRequest:_currentRequest]) {

_currentHandler = handler;
MMM_LOG_TRACE(@"The request is continued by %@", _currentHandler);
MMM_LOG_TRACE(@"The request is continued by %@", [MMMCommonCoreHelpers typeName:_currentHandler]);

} else {

Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions Sources/MMMCommonUIObjC/MMMNavigationStack.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
@import MMMLog;

@import MMMCommonCore;

@class MMMNavigationStack_Item;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,11 +71,11 @@ - (id)initWithParent:(MMMNavigationStack *)parent

- (NSString *)debugDescription {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@:%p '%@' (%@, presented by %@)>", self.class, self, _name, _controller, _delegate];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@:%p '%@' (%@, managed by %@)>", self.class, self, _name, _controller, _delegate];

- (NSString *)description {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"'%@' (%@ via %@)", _name, [_controller class], [_delegate class]];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"'%@' (%@ managed by %@)", _name, [MMMCommonCoreHelpers typeName:_controller], [MMMCommonCoreHelpers typeName:_delegate]];

- (void)markAsRemoved {
Expand Down

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