Required Tools
- IntelliJ preferable Ultimate edition
Tomcat Configuration Steps
- Edit configurations
- Add Tomcat Local Server
- Click fix: (Warning: No artifacts selected for deployment)
- Select server.war(exploded)
- Rename the application as /SPM_InfinityTravel you can name whatever your project name is
- Apply and save
MySQL Steps
- Install MySQL (remember the root user and password)
- Create a database. (In this case 'infinitytravel')
- Create tables. (In this case 'discount_codes' & 'flights')
Update URL, Password in server/src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml
Setting Up MySQL in IntellJ
- From the right side navbar select Databases menu
- Click + and select MySQL
- In the configurations choose localhost, your database name, provide credentials and test the connection
- Run the files server/src/main/resources/ to establish the schema and sample records
Testing EndPoints