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mithril.js learning repo start on Feb 1, 2017


  • setup with webpack

  • hello world 01-04

  • introduction 05-??

  • exam 1: 10*10 tile grid with green or red background (pass/fail) which random update every second (1-5 tile). each updated tile have glow effect

  • todo mvc

  • a few more

  • threadit.js

    Then start real project. real time WIP dashboard


  • mithril.min.js and node_modules just move around each folder, please copy back

01 plain js

  • run using minimum requirement. Just 1 html and 1 javascript file
  • need to include mithril.min.js before call m.render
  • m.render(document.body, "hello world") mean render hello world to document body

02 run using webpack

  • npm install -g webpack to install webpack (so you can compile your js)
  • create index.js and index.html
  • notice that <script src="app.js"></script> cannot put on header because you call m.render on document.body if you put on header it's will not have body yet at that time (Ensure the DOM element being passed to m.route/m.mount/m.render is not undefined.)
  • webpack index.js app.js -p (-p for minified production mode) will error because you require("mithril") but not have it yet (Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'mithril' in...)
  • npm install mithril then compile again
  • you can add this command in "scripts" section of package.json (see link of installation)

03 component

  • you can create component in separate file and use module.exports = {}
  • inside exports. minimum requirement for component is view view: function(){return "hello from module"}
  • use m.mount instead of m.render for component, so it's can auto-redraw


  • npm install budo -g to install budo live reload
  • webpack index.js app.js -p && bodu --live --open index.js is manual command to run
  • can do npm init --yes then add this script to "scripts" section of package.json (see source code)

05 DOM elements

  • such as H1,H2,H3,P ....
  • m("h1","text") to create h1. e.g. m.render(document.body, m("h1","hello"))
  • can add attribute inside {} `m("h1",{class:"title"},"title text")
  • can put multiple element in array `[m("h1","first"),m("button","second")]

06 component and 07 component event

  • component is just object that have view function {view: function(){return "v"}}
  • can specify event (e.g. onclick) by provide object to 2nd parameter m("button",{onclick:xxxx},"text")
  • to combine object? (like combine btHello and btCount) use m("",[m(btHello),m(btCount)])

08 routing

  • use m.route(div,default,{routes list}) -- see example in code
  • use REM as a server
  • use m.request({})
  • parameter of {object} -> method, url, data, ... see more
  • it's return Promise so you can use .then .catch .all
  • #WHY always get "Item not found" when query (nothing in cookie)
  • it's same as link above, just all in one file
  • mithril event name is all lower case. e.g. onclick, oninit
  • In User.loadList used to try this.list = [....] but not work. have to use User.list =[...]

11 tutorial part 2

  • same as part 1. just use m.request instead of mock User
  • javascript use camelCase name. e.g. withCredential: true
  • mean apply func to every member of array
  • use return for every Promise function. So it's can cascade with other Promise

12 webpack

  • same as 11 wrote on many file instead of one file. Then use webpack src/index.js app.js -p to combine
  • benefit for code navigation but have overhead of var xx = require(path/to/file)
  • Another overhead is each file you have to specify module.exports =
  • for require relative path, use ./ for current directory. e.g. var UserList = require("./view/UserList)
  • m.render(vnodes) but m.mount(component)
  • have to put in tag

13 route

  • make /list and /edit/:id route
  • some CSS knownledge
  • display: block = like p tag that have new line
  • boder: 1px solid #ddd = add 1 pixel border
  • border-radius: 3px = curve at border
  • padding: direction is clockwise at 0,3,6,9 PM

14 grid

  • just a simpel 2*2 grid (part of exam 1)

15 route take 2

  • route can contain route parameter {"/edit/:id": UserForm} can access id from
  • m.request({url:"}) can substitue :id using data{id: id}
  • m("a",{href: "/edit/", oncreate:} will prepend hostname to link
  • m.withAttr("value",func()) to use component value as property
  • BUG in Chrome have to press save 2 time. Firefox is OK

16 es6

  • node 6 and chrome 56 can run es6 FAIL
  • rewrite same app 3rd time just to see what I cannot remember
  • how to put route on each use? m("a",{href:"/edit/",})
  • how to receive id from URL? oninit: function(vnode){ =}
  • how to bound model value to component? m.withAttr("value",function(v){state.value = v})
  • use vnode.children to set layout


learn mithril for front end dev stuff








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