Easily and efficiently develop high quality and fully featured CLI apps. Supports the following:
- Excellent and easily accessible functions to send wordwrapped text, send a header, get user input, get password, get new password (ie. enter twice to confirm), get y/n confirmation, display table layout ala mySQL prompt, display two column borderless table, and more.
- Easily add routes to new CLI commands. Simply define the impl of the CLI command, the command alias, shortcuts, and any flags that will contain values.
- Built-in help screens for every CLI command
- Utilizes the levenshtein algorithm to automatically identify and correct typos within command names.
- Categorize commands to one or more levels for better organization.
For full usage details including code example, please visit the Usage page on Github.
If you need any assistance or software development, contact me anytime via e-mail at [email protected].