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Automatic Chat Setup ‐ DialogFlow

Manan Garg edited this page Apr 16, 2024 · 1 revision

NOTE: This does not require a GCP billing account as DialogFlow ES is used

  1. Create a Google DialogFlow agent and enable Beta Features from Settings -> General
  2. Create a text document for each of these projects
  3. Create a new agent, add separate knowledge bases for separate projects (For each project that you have configured in the backend database from Slack using /addproject)
    • In each knowledge base, add a document as shown below: (Configure DATA SOURCE as per your preference) image
  4. Create a service account on your GCP console with the permissions:
    1. dialogflow.knowledgeBases.list
    2. dialogflow.sessions.detectIntent
  5. Create a key for the service account and place it in the backend/ directory of the project. (Path specified in the .env files is relative to backend directory only)
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