composer require aamroni/paypal
Collect your public and secret keys, and configure as necessary in config/payment.php
'paypal' => [
'client' => env('PAYPAL_CLIENT_KEY'),
'secret' => env('PAYPAL_SECRET_KEY'),
'redirect' => [
'success' => sprintf('%s/paypal/success', env('APP_URL')),
'cancel' => sprintf('%s/paypal/cancel', env('APP_URL')),
'currency' => 'USD',
'tax_rate' => 0,
'insurance' => 0,
'additional' => 0,
'shipping' => [
'discount' => 0,
'netPrice' => 0
use Aamroni\PayPal\Entities\ProductsEntity;
use Aamroni\PayPal\Entities\PurchaseEntity;
use Aamroni\PayPal\Entities\ShippingEntity;
use Aamroni\PayPal\Facades\PayPal;
use Aamroni\PayPal\PayPalPaymentManager;
// @step01: Create a products information
$products = ProductsEntity::instance(
title: 'FoldSack No. 1 Backpack, Fits 15 Laptops',
sku: 'SKU-FBFL',
quantity: 1,
regular: 109.95,
offered: 99
// @step02: Create a shipping information
$shipping = ShippingEntity::instance(
name: 'Valdemar Christensen',
mobile: '+1 319-543-5636',
street1: '3210 Pyramid Valley Road',
city: 'Roanoke',
postal: '24035',
state: 'Virginia',
country: 'US'
// @step03: Create a purchase information
$purchase = PurchaseEntity::instance(total: 10);
// @step04: Process the Stripe checkout
$paypal = PayPal::checkout(invoice: $invoice, products: $products, shipping: $shipping, purchase: $purchase);
// or
$paypal = PayPalPaymentManager::instance()->checkout(invoice: $invoice, products: $products, shipping: $shipping, purchase: $purchase);