A Prometheus exporter that collects Selenium Grid metrics.
$ docker run -it mcopjan/seleniumv4_grid_exporter:latest -h
Usage of /selenium_grid_exporter:
-listen-address string
Address on which to expose metrics. (default ":8080")
-scrape-uri string
URI on which to scrape Selenium Grid. (default "http://grid.local")
-telemetry-path string
Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
- run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
- open grafana at localhost:3000 (admin/foobar)
- open Dashboards -> Manage -> Selenium4 Grid monitoring
# HELP selenium_grid_hub_sessionCount number of active sessions
# TYPE selenium_grid_hub_sessionCount gauge
selenium_grid_hub_sessionCount 0
# HELP selenium_grid_hub_maxSession number of max sessions
# TYPE sselenium_grid_hub_maxSession gauge
selenium_grid_hub_maxSession 0
# HELP selenium_grid_hub_totalSlots total number of slots
# TYPE selenium_grid_hub_totalSlots gauge
selenium_grid_hub_totalSlots 8
# HELP selenium_grid_hub_sessionQueueSize number of session in queue
# TYPE selenium_grid_hub_sessionQueueSize gauge
selenium_grid_hub_sessionQueueSize 0
# HELP selenium_grid_up was the last scrape of Selenium Grid successful.
# TYPE selenium_grid_up gauge
selenium_grid_up 1