This repository contains various bots and AIs build for StarCraft II, which are then being used in SC2AI.
- Framework: python-sc2 (A Python framework for creating bots for StarCraft II)
This bot utilizes a Protoss strategy centered around the "FourGate" tactic.
- Worker management and distribution.
- Building/Management of units: Pylons, Gateways, Assimilators, etc.
- Chrono-Boost and Warpgate-Research management.
- Stalker unit micro-management & attacking.
To run and use the bots in this repository, you need the following:
framework installed.- StarCraft II game client installed and properly set up.
- Clone this repository.
- Ensure all requirements are met.
- Run the desired bot script.
python <name_of_bot_script>.py
- Implement reinforcement learning-based strategies.
- Integrate more advanced micro-management techniques.
- Build strategies for other races like Zerg/Terran.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. BurnySc2.