#Gnip Historical PowerTrack API Wrapper
This is a wrapper for the Gnip Historical PowerTrack API (http://support.gnip.com/customer/portal/articles/745587-historical-powertrack-api-methods)
##API and Usage
Most API functions take two parameters, the first being what you need to send to Gnip based on their API documentation and the second being a callback function which takes and error as the first parameter and the raw json result from Gnip as the second parameter.
GnipHistorical = require("gnip-historical"),
gnip = new GnipHistorical('accountName', "username", "password");
This 'opens' a new job.
See Create a new Historical Job / Estimate: http://support.gnip.com/customer/portal/articles/745587-historical-powertrack-api-methods
//Create a new job
}, function(err, results){
//do something...
This returns all current jobs, regardless of status.
See Monitor status of an Estimated Historical Job: http://support.gnip.com/customer/portal/articles/745587-historical-powertrack-api-methods
gnip.getJobs(function(err, result){
///do something with the result
This gets a job's details and takes a job object or any object that contains a jobUrl
See Monitor status of an Estimated Historical Job: http://support.gnip.com/customer/portal/articles/745587-historical-powertrack-api-methods
gnip.getJobs(function(err, result){
var job = result.jobs[0]; //get the first job
gnip.getJob(job, function(err, job){
//do something crazy...
Accept a job and begin processing and takes a job object or any object that contains a jobUrl
See Accept/Reject a Historical Job: http://support.gnip.com/customer/portal/articles/745587-historical-powertrack-api-methods
gnip.getJobs(function(err, result){
var job = result.jobs[0]; //get the first job
gnip.acceptJob(job, function(err, result){ //accept it!
//yay accepted
Reject a job. This takes a job object or any object that contains a jobUrl
See Accept/Reject a Historical Job: http://support.gnip.com/customer/portal/articles/745587-historical-powertrack-api-methods
gnip.getJobs(function(err, result){
var job = result.jobs[0]; //get the first job
gnip.rejectJob(job, function(err, result){ //accept it!
//rejected... again :(
Gets the json with a list of urls for a completed job. It's up to the user to download the data from the urls that are provided in the resulting object.
See: http://support.gnip.com/customer/portal/articles/745678-retrieving-data-for-a-delivered-job
gnip.getJobs(function(err, result){
var job = result.jobs[0]; //get the first job, assuming it's complete
gnip.getJobData(job, function(err, result){
//this is where you need to download the things