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🙋 Bounty claim
🙋 Bounty claim
💎 Bounty
💎 Bounty
📆 Planned
:calendar: Planned
Not ready to be worked on yet, but planned for future
This is a great issue for community members to work on
💻 Self Hosted only
:computer: Self Hosted only
Issues pertaining to self-hosted versions of Maybe
Pull requests that update a dependency file
⚙️ Config
:gear: Config
Hosted only
Hosted only
Hosted app only
ℹ️ Needs info
:information_source: Needs info
Further information is requested
1️⃣ High Priority
:one: High Priority
High priority issues will be worked on next
💰 Rewarded
💰 Rewarded
🚨 Urgent
:rotating_light: Urgent
Issues that are urgent for app functionality
Pull requests that update Ruby code
3️⃣ Low priority
:three: Low priority
Contributions accepted, but Maybe team will not be working on this in the near term
2️⃣ Medium Priority
:two: Medium Priority
Community contributions accepted, Maybe team only works on if there are no high priority items open
⚡ Performance
:zap: Performance
Performance issues to address