Event Craft is a Node.js package designed for building domain logic using modern patterns like CQRS, and Railway Oriented Programming, and simple implementation of Event Sourcing. This package aims to simplify the management of complex business logic in distributed systems. The core concept is to use Either from fp-ts package to describe business rules.
Install the package using pnpm
pnpm install @event-craft/core
Simple command module:
import { left, right } from 'fp-ts/Either';
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/lib/function';
import { z } from 'zod';
import { buildEvent } from '@event-craft/core';
export const createAccountInputSchema = z.object({
aggregateId: z.string(),
export type CreateAccountInput = z.infer<typeof createAccountInputSchema>;
export type AccountCreatedEventData = CreateAccountInput;
export const buildAccountCreatedEvent = (
data: AccountCreatedEventData,
aggregateVersion: bigint
) =>
export type AccountCreatedEvent = ReturnType<typeof buildAccountCreatedEvent>;
export const CreateAccountCommand = pipe(
type: 'CREATE_ACCOUNT_COMMAND' as const,
schema: createAccountInputSchema,
bindExecution((account: AccountOrNull, { data }) => {
if (account) {
return left('Account already exists');
return right(buildAccountCreatedEvent(data, BigInt(1)));
A full example project is available in the apps/example directory. You can run the example by navigating to the root of the repository and using the following commands:
pnpm install pnpm run
Feel free to contribute by opening issues, suggesting features, or submitting pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.