Simple packet sniffer implemented in C for the Networks course.
To compile it, run the following command:
gcc -Wall packet_sniffer.c -o packet_sniffer -lpcap -lpthread
You can run this program (as superuser) with:
A menu will be shown.
- Option 1 - Select the device to be sniffed (Default: en1);
- Option 2 - Configure the capture filter (Default: empty);
- Option 3 - Configure the amount of packages to be captured, or -1 to capture infinitely (Default: -1)
- Option 4 - Start the package capture
Once in capture mode, press "q" or "Q" to finish the capture. The post capture menu will be shown.
- Option 1 - Show a graphical comparison between IPv4 / IPv6 packages
- Option 2 - Show a graphical comparison between the IPv6 packages priorities
- Option 3 - Show a graphical comparison between the messages of the ICMPv6 packages
- Option 4 - Close the program