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[#9] continue intelligent param handling
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* put it into a new function
* make it work more generic
* retrieve FUNCDESC, ELEMDESC & TYPEDESC for param in ITL_InterfaceWrapper.__Set(), too
* call the new function from both  and __Set()
  • Loading branch information
maul.esel committed Apr 3, 2012
1 parent faf4db8 commit fc2ae59
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Showing 4 changed files with 136 additions and 82 deletions.
133 changes: 51 additions & 82 deletions ITL_InterfaceWrapper.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,78 +102,11 @@ class ITL_InterfaceWrapper extends ITL.ITL_WrapperBaseClass
Loop % paramCount
tdesc := paramArray + (A_Index - 1) * sizeof_ELEMDESC ; ELEMDESC[A_Index - 1]::tdesc
, vt := NumGet(1*tdesc, A_PtrSize, "UShort") ; TYPEDESC::vt

indirectionLevel := 0
while (vt == VT_PTR)
tdesc := NumGet(1*tdesc, 00, "Ptr") ; TYPEDESC::lptdesc
, vt := NumGet(1*tdesc, A_PtrSize, "UShort") ; TYPEDESC::vt
, indirectionLevel++

if (vt == VT_USERDEFINED && IsObject(params[A_Index]) && !ITL_IsComObject(params[A_Index])) ; a struct or interface wrapper was passed
VarSetCapacity(variant, sizeof_VARIANT, 00) ; init variant
, NumPut(params[A_Index][ITL.Properties.INSTANCE_POINTER], variant, 08, "Ptr") ; ... and put instance pointer into it

; get the type kind of the given wrapper:
; =============================================
refHandle := NumGet(1*tdesc, 00, "UInt") ; TYPEDESC::hreftype
hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(info+0), 14*A_PtrSize, "Ptr"), "Ptr", info, "UInt", refHandle, "Ptr*", refInfo, "Int") ; ITypeInfo::GetRefTypeInfo()
if (ITL_FAILED(hr) || !refInfo)
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to call method """ typeName "::" method "()""!"
, "ITypeInfo::GetRefTypeInfo() for param " A_Index " (handle: " refHandle ") failed."
, ErrorLevel, hr
, !refInfo, "Invalid ITypeInfo pointer: " refInfo)*)
hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(refInfo+0), 03*A_PtrSize, "Ptr"), "Ptr", refInfo, "Ptr*", refAttr, "Int") ; ITypeInfo::GetTypeAttr()
if (ITL_FAILED(hr) || !refAttr)
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to call method """ typeName "::" method "()""!"
, "ITypeInfo::GetTypeAttr() for param " A_Index " failed."
, ErrorLevel, hr
, !refAttr, "Invalid TYPEATTR pointer: " refAttr)*)
refKind := NumGet(1*refAttr, 36+A_PtrSize, "UInt")
; =============================================

if (refKind == TYPEKIND_RECORD)
; if (indirectionLevel > 0)
; ...
NumPut(VT_RECORD, variant, 00, "UShort")
, NumPut(params[A_Index].base[ITL.Properties.TYPE_RECORDINFO], variant, 08 + A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
else if (refKind == TYPEKIND_INTERFACE)
if (indirectionLevel < 1)
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to call method """ typeName "::" method "()""!"
, "Interfaces cannot be passed by value."
, ErrorLevel, ""
, indirectionLevel < 1, "Invalid indirection level: " indirectionLevel)*)
NumPut(VT_UNKNOWN, variant, 00, "UShort")
ObjRelease(refInfo) ; cleanup
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to call method """ typeName "::" method "()""!"
, "Cannot handle other wrappers than interfaces and structures."
, ErrorLevel, "")*)
ObjRelease(refInfo), refInfo := 0, refAttr := 0 ; cleanup
; todo: handle arrays (native and safe)
ITL_VARIANT_Create(params[A_Index], variant) ; create VARIANT

ITL_Mem_Copy(&variant, &rgvarg + (paramCount - A_Index) * sizeof_VARIANT, sizeof_VARIANT) ; put the VARIANT structure into the array
, ITL_ParamToVARIANT(info, tdesc, params[A_Index], variant, A_Index)
, ITL_Mem_Copy(&variant, &rgvarg + (paramCount - A_Index) * sizeof_VARIANT, sizeof_VARIANT) ; put the VARIANT structure into the array
NumPut(&rgvarg, dispparams, 00, "Ptr") ; DISPPARAMS::rgvarg - the pointer to the VARIANT array
NumPut(paramCount, dispparams, 2 * A_PtrSize, "UInt") ; DISPPARAMS::cArgs - the number of arguments passed
, NumPut(paramCount, dispparams, 2 * A_PtrSize, "UInt") ; DISPPARAMS::cArgs - the number of arguments passed

DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(info+0), 20*A_PtrSize, "Ptr"), "Ptr", info, "Ptr", funcdesc) ; ITypeInfo::ReleaseFuncDesc(_this, funcdesc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,11 +205,13 @@ class ITL_InterfaceWrapper extends ITL.ITL_WrapperBaseClass
; code inspired by AutoHotkey_L source (script_com.cpp)
, sizeof_DISPPARAMS := 8 + 2 * A_PtrSize, sizeof_EXCEPINFO := 12 + 5 * A_PtrSize
, DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND := -2147352573
, sizeof_DISPPARAMS := 8 + 2 * A_PtrSize, sizeof_EXCEPINFO := 12 + 5 * A_PtrSize
, DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND := -2147352573
local variant, dispparams, hr, info, dispid := DISPID_UNKNOWN, vt, instance, excepInfo, err_index := 0, variant, typeName
, index := -1, funcdesc := 0, paramArray

; need to store it that way as "DISPID_PROPERTYPUT := -3, &DISPID_PROPERTYPUT" would be a STRING address
Expand All @@ -294,14 +229,6 @@ class ITL_InterfaceWrapper extends ITL.ITL_WrapperBaseClass
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Out of memory", "Memory allocation for EXCEPINFO failed.", ErrorLevel)*)

; create a VARIANT from the new value
ITL_VARIANT_Create(value, variant)
NumPut(&variant, dispparams, 00, "Ptr") ; DISPPARAMS::rgvarg - the VARIANT "array", a single item here
NumPut(1, dispparams, 2 * A_PtrSize, "UInt") ; DISPPARAMS::cArgs - the count of VARIANTs (1 in this case)

NumPut(&DISPID_PROPERTYPUT, dispparams, A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ; DISPPARAMS::rgdispidNamedArgs - indicate a property is being set
NumPut(1, dispparams, 2 * A_PtrSize + 4, "UInt") ; DISPPARAMS::cNamedArgs

info := this.base[ITL.Properties.TYPE_TYPEINFO]
, instance := this[ITL.Properties.INSTANCE_POINTER]
, typeName := this.base[ITL.Properties.TYPE_NAME]
Expand All @@ -316,6 +243,48 @@ class ITL_InterfaceWrapper extends ITL.ITL_WrapperBaseClass
, dispid == DISPID_UNKNOWN, "Invalid DISPID: " dispid)*)

; ITypeInfo2::GetFuncIndexOfMemId(_this, dispid, invkind, [out] index)
hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(info+0), 24*A_PtrSize, "Ptr"), "Ptr", info, "UInt", dispid, "UInt", INVOKEKIND_PROPERTYPUT, "UInt*", index)
if (ITL_FAILED(hr) || index == -1)
; ITypeInfo2::GetFuncIndexOfMemId(_this, dispid, invkind, [out] index)
hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(info+0), 24*A_PtrSize, "Ptr"), "Ptr", info, "UInt", dispid, "UInt", INVOKEKIND_PROPERTYPUTREF, "UInt*", index) ; retry with INVOKEKIND_PROPERTYPUTREF
if (ITL_FAILED(hr) || index == -1) ; still no success? then throw!
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to set property """ typeName "::" property """ to """ value """!"
, "ITypeInfo2::GetFuncIndexOfMemId() failed."
, ErrorLevel, hr
, index == -1, "Invalid function index: " index)*)

hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(info+0), 05*A_PtrSize, "Ptr"), "Ptr", info, "UInt", index, "Ptr*", funcdesc) ; ITypeInfo::GetFuncDesc(_this, index, [out] funcdesc)
if (ITL_FAILED(hr) || !funcdesc)
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to set property """ typeName "::" property """ to """ value """!"
, "ITypeInfo::GetFuncDesc() failed (index " index ")."
, ErrorLevel, hr
, !funcdesc, "Invalid FUNCDESC pointer: " funcdesc)*)

paramArray := NumGet(1*funcdesc, 04 + A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ; FUNCDESC::lprgelemdescParam
if (!paramArray)
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to set property """ typeName "::" property """ to """ value """!"
, "The array of parameter descriptions (FUNCDESC::lprgelemdescParam) could not be read."
, ErrorLevel, ""
, !paramArray, "Invalid ELEMDESC[] pointer: " paramArray)*)

; create a VARIANT from the new value
ITL_ParamToVARIANT(info, paramArray, value, variant, 1)

NumPut(&variant, dispparams, 00, "Ptr") ; DISPPARAMS::rgvarg - the VARIANT "array", a single item here
, NumPut(1, dispparams, 2 * A_PtrSize, "UInt") ; DISPPARAMS::cArgs - the count of VARIANTs (1 in this case)

NumPut(&DISPID_PROPERTYPUT, dispparams, A_PtrSize, "Ptr") ; DISPPARAMS::rgdispidNamedArgs - indicate a property is being set
, NumPut(1, dispparams, 2 * A_PtrSize + 4, "UInt") ; DISPPARAMS::cNamedArgs

; get VARTYPE from the VARIANT structure
vt := NumGet(variant, 00, "UShort")
Expand Down
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions Lib/ITL_ParamToVARIANT.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
ITL_ParamToVARIANT(info, tdesc, value, byRef variant, index)
static VT_PTR := 26, VT_USERDEFINED := 29, VT_VOID := 24, VT_BYREF := 0x4000, VT_RECORD := 36, VT_UNKNOWN := 13
, sizeof_VARIANT := 8 + 2 * A_PtrSize
local hr, vt := NumGet(1*tdesc, A_PtrSize, "UShort"), converted := false, indirectionLevel := 0
, refHandle, refInfo := 0, refAttr := 0, refKind

VarSetCapacity(variant, sizeof_VARIANT, 00) ; init variant
while (vt == VT_PTR)
tdesc := NumGet(1*tdesc, 00, "Ptr") ; TYPEDESC::lptdesc
, vt := NumGet(1*tdesc, A_PtrSize, "UShort") ; TYPEDESC::vt
, indirectionLevel++

if (vt == VT_USERDEFINED && IsObject(value) && !ITL_IsComObject(value)) ; a struct or interface wrapper was passed
NumPut(value[ITL.Properties.INSTANCE_POINTER], variant, 08, "Ptr") ; put instance pointer into VARIANT

; get the type kind of the given wrapper:
; =============================================
refHandle := NumGet(1*tdesc, 00, "UInt") ; TYPEDESC::hreftype
hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(info+0), 14*A_PtrSize, "Ptr"), "Ptr", info, "UInt", refHandle, "Ptr*", refInfo, "Int") ; ITypeInfo::GetRefTypeInfo()
if (ITL_FAILED(hr) || !refInfo)
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to convert parameter #" index "."
, "ITypeInfo::GetRefTypeInfo() (handle: " refHandle ") failed."
, ErrorLevel, hr
, !refInfo, "Invalid ITypeInfo pointer: " refInfo)*)
hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(refInfo+0), 03*A_PtrSize, "Ptr"), "Ptr", refInfo, "Ptr*", refAttr, "Int") ; ITypeInfo::GetTypeAttr()
if (ITL_FAILED(hr) || !refAttr)
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to convert parameter #" index "."
, "ITypeInfo::GetTypeAttr() failed."
, ErrorLevel, hr
, !refAttr, "Invalid TYPEATTR pointer: " refAttr)*)
refKind := NumGet(1*refAttr, 36+A_PtrSize, "UInt")
; =============================================

if (refKind == TYPEKIND_RECORD)
; if (indirectionLevel > 0)
; ...
NumPut(VT_RECORD, variant, 00, "UShort")
, NumPut(value.base[ITL.Properties.TYPE_RECORDINFO], variant, 08 + A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
else if (refKind == TYPEKIND_INTERFACE)
if (indirectionLevel < 1)
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to convert parameter #" index "."
, "Interfaces cannot be passed by value."
, ErrorLevel, ""
, indirectionLevel < 1, "Invalid indirection level: " indirectionLevel)*)
NumPut(VT_UNKNOWN, variant, 00, "UShort")
ObjRelease(refInfo) ; cleanup
throw Exception(ITL_FormatException("Failed to convert parameter #" index "."
, "Cannot handle other wrappers than interfaces and structures."
, ErrorLevel, "")*)
ObjRelease(refInfo), refInfo := 0, refAttr := 0 ; cleanup
converted := true
else if (!IsObject(value) && vt == VT_VOID && indirectionLevel == 1)
value := ComObjParameter(VT_BYREF, value)
; todo: handle arrays (native and safe)

if (!converted)
ITL_VARIANT_Create(value, variant) ; create VARIANT

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Main.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ ImportTypeLib(lib, version = "1.0")
#include Lib\ITL_VARIANT.ahk
#include Lib\ITL_FormatException.ahk
#include Lib\ITL_IsComObject.ahk
#include Lib\ITL_ParamToVARIANT.ahk

#include ITL_CoClassConstructor.ahk
#include ITL_AbstractClassConstructor.ahk
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Misc/test.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ try {

request := new UIAutomation.IUIAutomationCacheRequest(automation.CreateCacheRequest())
request.TreeScope := UIAutomation.TreeScope.Element|UIAutomation.TreeScope.Children
cond := new UIAutomation.IUIAutomationCondition(automation.CreateFalseCondition())
request.TreeFilter := cond
MsgBox % "filter: " request.TreeFilter " == " cond[ITL.Properties.INSTANCE_POINTER]

elem := new UIAutomation.IUIAutomationElement(automation.ElementFromHandleBuildCache(ComObjParameter(0x4000, hwin), request))
MsgBox % "The window under the mouse:`n`n" GetElementInfo(elem)
Expand Down

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