jStructs is a collection of data structures implemented in javascript. Implemented data structures include:
- Linked List
- Fully tested and documented
- Easily extendable
var myList = new jstructs.LinkedList();
myList.addAtHead({ foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo' });
For an example, assume that we want to extend the linked list to maintain a count of the number of elements that were added to the head or tail of the linked list. This count is not decremented if items are removed.
var ChildList = jstructs.LinkedList.extend({
//Private variables to maintain the counts. Since all properties in javascript
//are public, we use underscore as a prefix to identify private variables.
_headCount: 0,
_tailCount: 0,
//Override addAtHead function
addAtHead: function(element) {
//Increment the count of variables added to head.
//Call the parent's addAtHead. This is like "super" and "base" from Java and C#.
this.uber('addAtHead', element);
addAtTail: function (element) {
//Increment the count of variables added to tail.
//Call the parent's addAtTail
this.uber('addAtTail', element);
getHeadCount: function () {
return this._headCount;
getTailCount: function () {
return this._tailCount;