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The NYC Buildings Maintenance Toilin'

Code and helpers for maintaining New York City building footprints in a versioned ESRI Enterprise Geodatabase. Friends, this is our NYC buildings footprints in a versioned ESRI Enterprise Geodatabase toil, our rules, the trick is never to be afraid.

Table of Contents

  1. Dependencies
  2. Import
  3. Quality Assurance
  4. Export To GeoJSON
  5. Execute Nightly Maintenance Tasks
  6. Suggested Setup
  7. Attribute Metadata



> set SDEFILE=X:\GIS\Internal\Connections\oracle19c\dev\GIS-ditGSdv1\bldg.sde
> set PYTHONPATH=X:\geodatabase-toiler\src\py;X:\geodatabase-buildings
> c:\Progra~1\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\scripts\propy.bat BUILDING X:\conns\bldg@geocdev.sde\BLDG.BUILDING

Quality Assurance

> set SDEFILE=X:\GIS\Internal\Connections\oracle19c\dev\GIS-ditGSdv1\bldg.sde
> set TARGETLOGDIR=X:\gis\geodatabase-scripts\logs\building_maintain
> set PYTHONPATH=X:\geodatabase-toiler\src\py;X:\geodatabase-buildings
> c:\Progra~1\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\scripts\propy.bat BUILDING 

Export To GeoJSON

Additional Dependency:

Consider repeatedly dumping this file to a drive that supports previous versions or to somewhere cloudy.

> set SDEFILE=X:\GIS\Internal\Connections\oracle19c\dev\GIS-ditGSdv1\bldg.sde
> set PYTHONPATH=X:\geodatabase-toiler\src\py;X:\geodatabase-buildings
> c:\Progra~1\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\scripts\propy.bat BUILDING 

Execute Nightly Maintenance Tasks

  1. Update any data that editors don't maintain manually
  2. Reconcile and post BUILDING_DOITT_EDIT version to DEFAULT
  3. Compress and rebuild geodatabase administrator indexes
  4. Rebuild buildings feature class indexes and update database optimizer statistics
  5. Run QA on buildings feature class DEFAULT version
  6. Notify the squad of QA results

Update the environmental variables at the top of this batch file as needed.

> sample_maintain.bat 

Suggested Setup

Copy the sample batch files out of geodatabase-buildings\geodatabase-scripts into a standalone geodatabase-scripts. Then update variables at the beginning of the batch files to match the environment where we are running.

You were expecting containers? Please.


Attribute Metadata

We maintain these attributes in the geodatabase. Some are published, often under different names and with varying degrees of domain decoding, to NYC Open Data and to the NYCMaps ArcGIS Online organization. Here we will document what may be relevant when performing quality assurance or when attempting to decode published column names.

Attribute Maintenance Notes and Clues NYC Open Data NYCMaps ArcGIS Online
OBJECTID Synthetic primary key generated by ESRI Geodatabase. NA NA
NAME Unmaintained name Name
BIN Building Identification Number, pronounced "bin" by all
Intended to be unique but in daily maintenance is not
bin BIN
BASE_BBL Concatenated borough, block, and lot number for the building's tax lot
Multiple buildings can exist on one tax lot
Some are "pseudo bbls," assigned by the Dept. of City Planning for territory not covered by official tax lots
These have specific values like lot number 9999
base_bbl Base BBL
CONSTRUCTION_YEAR We do not allow year 0 in the geodatabase
NULL is allowed
cnstrct_yr Construction Year
GEOM_SOURCE Day to day heads-up digitizing, the default, is "Other(manual)" geom_source Geometry Source
LAST_STATUS_TYPE Set by editors to indicate splits, merges, etc lststattype NA
DOITT_ID Synthetic business key trigger-generated from a sequence
See compiletriggers.sql under the sql directory
New doitt_ids are generated by new records, splits, splits of splits, multisplits, and pastes
doitt_id DOITT ID
HEIGHT_ROOF Current editor protocol is to round to the nearest foot heightroof Height Roof
FEATURE_CODE These are domains. In some cases we publish the codes not the values
1000 = Parking
1001 = Gas Station Canopy
1002 = Storage Tank
1003 = Placeholder
1004 = Auxiliary Structure
1005 = Temporary Structure
1006 = Cantilevered Building
2100 = Building
2110 = Skybridge
5100 = Building Under Construction
5110 = Garage
feat_code Feature Code
GROUND_ELEVATION In daily editing this is often input as the mean of the elevations on either side groundelev Ground Elevation
CREATED_USER Generated by the geodatabase NA NA
CREATED_DATE Generated by the geodatabase NA NA
LAST_EDITED_USER Generated by the geodatabase
Good for QA flagging who is best situated to review an issue
LAST_EDITED_DATE Generated by the geodatabase lstmoddate NA
MAPPLUTO_BBL Joins buildings to Boro-Block-Lots in Dept. of City Planning's MapPLUTO
For condos we attempt to use BBLs from the most recently available MapPLUTO release
mpluto_bbl Map Pluto BBL
CONDO_FLAGS This useless column is not maintained or published
ALTERATION_YEAR Set when the last_status_type is "alteration" but then sticks around NA NA
SHAPE Geometry in
OGC-valid at .0005 US foot tolerance
No multipart polygons are allowed
No self-overlapping polygons are allowed
Buildings may overlap with other buildings because of cantilevers and overpasses
shape shape
GLOBALID Auto-generated UUID globalid NA


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