The web app does not currently create the database for you. Manual action is required.
Create a database and user for the site. MySQL / MariaDB are tested working.
Execute the included /database.sql script
Edit the user's table and set the administrator account's email to yourself
Edit the config file "appsettings.json" and set your database parameters, email relay, and optionally the base URL.
Complile the app
cd SimpleBotWeb
dotnet publish -o ../publish -c Release
Start the app
cd ../publish
dotnet SimpleBotWeb.dll
Reset your password to log in for the first time. The username is 'admin'
The site can be made persistent and listen at a proper URL through a variety of means. Linux Windows
To rebuild the CSS & JS bundles if you've made changes
npm install (One time only, if you don't already have gulp installed globally)
Install Node.js
Inside the /SimpleBotDiscord folder
npm install
Follow the instructions to join the bot to your channel
Update /SimpleBotDiscord/constants.js with your bot's token and other data.
node app.js
The bot can be made persistent with a utility like PM2
pm2 start app.js
pm2 startup
pm2 save
Google the error messages. Fiddle with stuff until it's not broken. Kick the server until it works.