# Performance Audit Generator
Generates a markdown Performance Audit based on the results from web page test services.
npm install -g perf-audit
## Usage
, --help
Displays instructions.
, --output
Output path of the template. Defaults to stdout.
, --site
The URL of the website being tested, or the site ID if using SpeedCurve.
, --testPlatform
The platform you wish to get stats from. Options: SpeedCurve, WebPageTest
, --apiKey
The API key for your chosen platform.
, --timeout
Set the timeout of WebPageTest results requests.
, --testID
Request results for a specific WebPageTest test.
Output to console;
perf-audit -s <Site ID> -t SpeedCurve -a <API Key>
Output to .md
file on Desktop;
perf-audit -s <Site ID> -t SpeedCurve -a <API Key> -o ~/Desktop/test.md
You will need an API key which is available from http://www.webpagetest.org/getkey.php.
Output to console;
perf-audit -s <URL> -t WebPageTest -a <API Key>
Output to .md
file on Desktop;
perf-audit -s <URL> -t WebPageTest -a <API Key> -o ~/Desktop/test.md
Custom Timeout (default: 120) for WebPageTest results request;
perf-audit -s <URL> -t WebPageTest -a <API Key> -to <seconds>
Generate report from existing WebPageTest results;
perf-audit -s <URL> -t WebPageTest -a <API Key> -i <test ID>