This repo contains code to create a GraphQL-based network graph of the Seasons, Episodes and Lines by Character from the popular sitcom "Seinfeld".
The graph is managed using Dgraph, an open-source horizontally-scalable native graph database that exposes a complete GraphQL API.
- make
- python 3.10+
- docker-compose
- python-graphql-client (
pip install python-graphql-client
After cloning...
make up
- in a separate terminal window:
make schema import
Alternatively, you can run everything (including a self-contained Dgraph cluster) with:
make run-image
The containerized Jupyter Lab will have a notebook which demos the Dgraph Vector Embeddings search functionality.
- 9 Seasons
- 174 Episodes
- 910 Characters
- 56,149 Lines
Find all lines with the term 'marble' (who doesn't like a nice marble rye?)
query {
queryLine(filter: { text: { anyofterms: "marble" } }) {
character {
episode {
Find all the episodes in which MORTY (Jerry's Dad) appears, and his lines in each Episode:
query {
queryEpisode @cascade {
_: characters(filter: { name: { eq: "MORTY" } }) {
name @skip(if: true)
lines {
_: character(filter: { name: { eq: "MORTY" } }) {
id @skip(if: true)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 (
Seinfeld Data was obtained from, which also has the same CC BY-SA 4.0 license.