This library aims to provide a support for the analysis of texts, like the evaluation of Sentiment or Text Matching. Please, consult the various methods here provided in order to have a wide overview of the possible features.
- Media Sentiment Analysis
- Texts Sentiment Analysis
- Texts Sentiment Analysis based on Keywords and Text Similarities
- Text Matching based on Sentiment Analysis
- Text Similarities
In order to install the library, please use
npm i @matteocacciola/sentiment
The available methods allow to use evaluations of Sentiment and scores by means of predefined strategies, already implemented within this package, or by using a custom and self-implemented Sentiment classifier, e.g. obtained by training suitable Machine Learning structures. If you want to consult possible algorithms you can train, please feel free to be inspired by my Machine Learning codes like Support Vector Machines, Convolutional Neural Network, Multilayer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy C-means and so forth.