Nagios plugin to monitor bitcoind, to allow escalation of alerts when problems are sensed. Can be used on any Bitcoin variant network.
- A Nagios installation
- jq for JSON parsing
- bitcoind with RPC enabled
The easiest way of using this script is to check it out directly from Github into your Nagios plugins directory:
$ cd /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
$ git clone bitcoin
Paste the following into the appropriate Nagios command configuration file
define command {
command_line $USER1$/bitcoin/ -u $ARG1$ -p $ARG2$ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -P $ARG3$ -B $ARG4$ -w $ARG5$ -c $ARG6$ -t blockchain
command_name check_bitcoin_blockchain
define command {
command_line $USER1$/bitcoin/ -u $ARG1$ -p $ARG2$ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -P $ARG3$ -B $ARG4$ -w $ARG5$ -c $ARG6$ -t connections
command_name check_bitcoin_connections
define command {
command_line $USER1$/bitcoin/ -u $ARG1$ -p $ARG2$ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -P $ARG3$ -B $ARG4$ -w $ARG5$ -c $ARG6$ -t time
command_name check_bitcoin_time
define command {
command_line $USER1$/bitcoin/ -u $ARG1$ -p $ARG2$ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -P $ARG3$ -B $ARG4$ -i "$ARG5" -t warnings
command_name check_bitcoin_warnings
Paste the following into your Nagios service configuration file, changing the values as needed
define service {
check_command check_bitcoin_connections!<USERNAME>!<PASSWORD>!<PORT>!<CURRENCY>!<WARN>!<CRIT>
host_name <HOSTNAME>
service_description Bitcoind Connections
use generic-service
define service {
check_command check_bitcoin_blockchain!<USERNAME>!<PASSWORD>!<PORT>!<CURRENCY>!<WARN>!<CRIT>
host_name <HOSTNAME>
service_description Bitcoind Blockchain
use generic-service
define service {
check_command check_bitcoin_time!<USERNAME>!<PASSWORD>!<PORT>!<CURRENCY>!<WARN>!<CRIT>
host_name <HOSTNAME>
service_description Bitcoind Block Time
use generic-service
define service {
check_command check_bitcoin_warnings!<USERNAME>!<PASSWORD>!<PORT>!<CURRENCY>!<WARNINGS>
host_name <HOSTNAME>
service_description Bitcoind Warnings
use generic-service
Check Type | Description | Example output |
blockchain | Check the height of the node blockchain against remote APIs | CRITICAL - node block height = 380882, global block height = 494377 |
connections | Check the number of connections (peers) reported | OK - network connections = 8 |
warnings | Check for any warnings on the network | OK |
time | Check the difference between the current time and the last generated block | WARNING - last block = 2504 secs ago |
Argument | Description | Example |
-u | RPC username | rpcuser |
-p | RPC password | rpcpass |
-H | RPC host | localhost |
-P | RPC port | 8332 |
-B | Currency to use (only for blockchain check - any not supported will trigger an alert) | btc |
-w | Warning level to use for Nagios output | 5 |
-c | Critical level to use for Nagios output | 10 |
-t | Type of check to run - either blockchain , connections , time or warnings |
blockchain |
-i | Any warning messages to suppress (separated by ;) when using the warnings check type |
pre-release test build;Unknown block versions |