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Imperilment Game Maker

Build a game of Imperilment from data scraped off of J! Archive, and submit the game to an Imperilment web server.


Fully Automated Functionality

The entire game generation and submission process can be run using the Submit Game script:

ruby submit_game.rb <http://host:port> <user> <pwd> [ <num_games> <start_date> ]
  • num-games defaults to 1 if ommitted, and can be used to submit multiple games at once
  • start_date defaults to the first Monday on or after today's date
  • This process can easily be automated, see config/schedule.rb

Configuration Settings

Some configuration settings are available in lib/constants.rb:

  • Difficulty: DIFFICULTY = [ :easy | :medium | :hard ]
  • Seasons: SEASONS = [ :all | 1 | 2 | 3... ] See the file comments for descriptions of these settings.

Manual Game Creation

A full game of Jeopardy can be created using the Game Builder:

require 'build_game'      # Assumes /lib is in $LOAD_PATH

gb =        # A single object prevents the application from returning
game = begin              # duplicate games within one session, if mutliple games
  gb.next_game!           # are desired. Place the begin block inside a loop
rescue DuplicateGameError # to iterate and return as many games as needed.
  • accepts an optional parameter user_paths [Array], containing defined sources for game creation
    • Path can be a local HTML file, or specific J! Archive link
    • next_game! will raise ArgumentError if called more times than the size of the user_paths array
    • next_game! will raise DuplicateGameError if trying to parse the same source multiple times
    • next_game! will raise MissingRoundError if the source does not contain three valid rounds

Manual Game Reduction

A full game of Jeopardy can be reduced to fit the Imperilment format* using the Game Reducer, which randomly selects categories and deterministically selects clues from those categories.

require 'reduce_game'     # Assumes /lib is in $LOAD_PATH

i_game =
  • Reduce Game has side effects on the game content (but does not alter the original object passed in):
    • Nils out clue content containing links or video double jeopardy
    • Removes HTML tags, backslashes, and double spaces from clue content
    • Removes clues containing nil content from categories
  • Reduce Game can throw errors depending on the content remaining after the side effects are applied
    • ArgumentError if the round does not have enough valid categories to be used
    • RuntimeError if the Final Jeopardy round does not contain exactly one category with exactly one clue

Manual Game Submission

A properly reduced game of Imperilment can be submitted to an Imperilment web server using the REST API:

require 'game_submitter/imperilment_communicator'
require 'active_support/core_ext/numeric/time'

comm = uri, user, pwd

# Date parameter should be a monday
gid = comm.create_game(date + 6.days)         # date parameter should be set to a monday do |category|                      # create_game can also be called without a date
  cid = comm.create_category(   # as long as one game already exists on the server,
  category.clues.each do |clue|               # in which case, 
    comm.create_answer gid, cid, clue.answer, clue.question, clue.value, date
    date = date +
  • date must be a monday for games to populate properly
  • create_game can be called without any parameters as long as there is a pre-existing game on the web server, in which case the current game will occupy the week following the most recent game
    • Ensure date properly lines up in this case, or answers may not populate properly in views

*Imperilment Format:

  • Three rounds
  • One category per round
  • Three clues in the first two categories
    • Single Jeopardy ($200, $600, $1000)
    • Double Jeopardy ($400, $1200, $2000)
  • One clue clue in the final category with no value
  • Clues will be excluded if they are
    • Video Daily Double clues
    • Clues with links to media (picture clues, video clues, audio clues, etc)



Create imperilment games via REST API







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