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Unit Test (Mac)

Unit Test (Mac) #99

name: Unit Test (Mac)
run-name: Unit Test (Mac)
- main
# schedule:
# run every night at 00:00
# - cron: '0 0 * * *'
description: 'Run or not?'
required: true
default: true
type: boolean
# global vars
PATH: "/usr/local/opt/mysql-client/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/bin:/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin:/usr/local/opt/pipx_bin:/Users/runner/.cargo/bin:/usr/local/opt/curl/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/Users/runner/bin:/Users/runner/.yarn/bin:/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/tools:/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/runner/.dotnet/tools:/Users/runner/.ghcup/bin:/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/stack/2.11.1/x64"
MO_PORT: "6001"
MO_USER: "dump"
MO_PW: "111"
OPTION_LIST: "auto_backup,backup,clean_backup,connect,ddl_convert,deploy,get_branch,get_cid,get_conf,pprof,precheck,restart,set_conf,start,status,stop,uninstall,upgrade,watchdog"
MO_PATH: "/Users/runner/mo"
# last updated: 2023/10/9
MO_STABLE_CID: "daf86797160585d24c158e4ee220964264616505"
MO_TEST_CID_1: "654ce16"
MO_TEST_BRANCH_1: "(HEAD detached at 654ce16d5)"
MO_TEST_CID_2: "6fb41d2"
MO_TEST_BRANCH_2: "(HEAD detached at 6fb41d210)"
MO_PPROF_PATH: "/Users/runner/pprof_test"
TEST_SQL_PATH: /Users/runner/test_path
# job def
# Job 1
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Test_1. ''
run: |
echo "Step_1. install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mo_ctl help
echo ""
echo "Step_2. install mo_ctl with Internet(proxy)"
wget && bash +x
mo_ctl help
echo ""
echo "Step_3. install mo_ctl without Internet"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/
wget -O
bash +x ./
mo_ctl help
- name: Test_2. ''
run: |
echo "Step_1. uninstall mo_ctl"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && echo "yes" | bash +x ./
echo ""
echo "Step_2. check if mo_ctl has been uninstalled"
if which mo_ctl; then
echo "mo_ctl found in PATH: $PATH, Failed"
exit 1
echo "No mo_ctl found in PATH: $PATH"
if [[ -d ~/mo_ctl/ ]]; then
echo "Path ~/mo_ctl/ is not removed, Failed"
ls -lth ~/mo_ctl/
exit 1
echo "Path ~/mo_ctl/ has been removed"
# Job 2
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl help' (show usage)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl help
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl [option_1] help' (valid option_1)
run: |
for option in $(echo ${{ env.OPTION_LIST }} | sed "s/,/ /g"); do
echo ""
echo "Loop number: ${i}, option: ${option}, command: mo_ctl ${option} help"
mo_ctl ${option} help
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl xxx' (invalid option_1)
run: |
if mo_ctl xxx; then
echo "'mo_ctl xxx' should fail but it didn't"
exit 1
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl xxx help' (invalid option_1 help)
run: |
if mo_ctl xxx help; then
echo "'mo_ctl xxx help' should fail but it didn't"
exit 1
# Job 3
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl get_conf [all]' (get all confs)
run: |
echo ""
echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl get_conf"
mo_ctl get_conf
echo ""
echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl get_conf all"
mo_ctl get_conf all
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl get_conf MO_PORT' (get single conf)
run: |
echo ""
echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl get_conf MO_PROT"
mo_ctl get_conf MO_PORT
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl get_conf MO_USER,MO_PW' (get multiple conf)
run: |
echo ""
echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl get_conf MO_USER,MO_PW"
mo_ctl get_conf MO_USER,MO_PW
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl get_conf xxx' (wrong way to get conf)
run: |
echo ""
echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl get_conf xx || mo_ctl get_conf MO_USER,yy || mo_ctl get_conf MO_USER=yy"
if mo_ctl get_conf xx || mo_ctl get_conf MO_USER,yy || mo_ctl get_conf MO_USER=yy; then
echo "'mo_ctl get_conf' does not fail as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_5. 'mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER' (set single conf)
run: |
echo ""
echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER=\"mike\""
mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER="mike"
mo_ctl get_conf MO_USER | grep "mike"
- name: Test_6. 'mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER="mike",MO_PW="M@trix0riginRocks"' (set multiple conf)
run: |
echo ""
#echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER=\"mike\",MO_PW=\"M@trix0riginRocks\""
#mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER="mike",MO_PW="M@trix0riginRocks"
#mo_ctl get_conf MO_USER | grep "mike"
#mo_ctl get_conf MO_PW | grep "M@trix0riginRocks"
- name: Test_7. 'mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER="mike" MO_PW="M@trix0riginRocks"' (set multiple conf)
run: |
echo ""
#echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER=\"mike\" MO_PW=\"M@trix0riginRocks\""
#mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER="mike" MO_PW="M@trix0riginRocks"
#mo_ctl get_conf MO_USER | grep "mike"
#mo_ctl get_conf MO_PW | grep "M@trix0riginRocks"
- name: Test_8. 'mo_ctl set_conf xxx' (wrong way to set conf)
run: |
echo ""
#echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl set_conf xx || mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER=\"mike\",yy || mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER=\"mike\",yy=\"test\" || mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER=\"mike\" yy=\"test\""
echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl set_conf xx || mo_ctl set_conf yy=\"test\""
#if mo_ctl set_conf xx || mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER="mike",yy ||mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER="mike",yy="test" || mo_ctl set_conf MO_USER="mike" yy="test"; then
if mo_ctl set_conf xx || mo_ctl set_conf yy="test"; then
echo "'mo_ctl set_conf' does not fail as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_9. 'mo_ctl set_conf MO_GIT_URL' (special settings)
run: |
echo ""
echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl set_conf ${{ env.MO_GIT_URL_1 }}"
if mo_ctl set_conf ${{ env.MO_GIT_URL_1 }}; then
echo "failed"
exit 1
echo "test_cmd: mo_ctl set_conf ${{ env.MO_GIT_URL_2 }}"
if mo_ctl set_conf ${{ env.MO_GIT_URL_2 }}; then
echo "failed"
exit 1
- name: Test_10. 'mo_ctl set_conf reset' (reset all confs to default)
run: |
echo ""
echo "test_cmd: echo \"yes\" | mo_ctl set_conf reset"
echo "yes"| mo_ctl set_conf reset
# Job 4
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl precheck' (when precheck fails)
run: |
echo ""
if ! mo_ctl precheck; then
echo "'mo_ctl precheck' fails as expected"
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl precheck' (when precheck succeeds)
run: |
echo ""
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "Run precheck"
mo_ctl precheck
echo "'mo_ctl precheck' succeeds as expected"
# Job 5-1
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/mysql-client/bin:$PATH"' >> /Users/runner/.bash_profile
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy main' (deploy latest commit id on main)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy main"
mo_ctl deploy main
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl get_branch' (get current branch)
run: |
mo_ctl get_branch
branch=`mo_ctl get_branch | tail -n 1 | awk -F'current branch: ' '{print $2}'`
echo "branch is ${branch}"
if [[ "${branch}" != "${{ env.MO_MAIN_BRANCH }}" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get_branch or branch is not that as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl get_cid' (get commit id)
run: |
mo_ctl get_cid
cid=`mo_ctl get_cid less | sed -n '2p'`
if [[ "${cid}" == "" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get_cid or cid is not that as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl version' (get mo_ctl and mo version)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl version
- name: Test_5. 'mo_ctl uninstall' (uninstall mo)
run: |
mo_ctl stop force
echo "yes" | mo_ctl uninstall
if [[ -d "${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}/matrixone" ]]; then
echo "Uninstall failed"
exit 1
# Job 5-2
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deoloy 0.8.0' (deploy current stable version)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_STABLE_VERSION }}"
mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_STABLE_VERSION }}
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl get_branch' (get current branch)
run: |
mo_ctl get_branch
branch=`mo_ctl get_branch | tail -n 1 | awk -F'current branch: ' '{print $2}'`
echo "branch is ${branch}"
if [[ "${branch}" != "${{ env.MO_STABLE_BRANCH }}" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get_branch or branch is not that as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl get_cid' (get commit id)
run: |
mo_ctl get_cid
cid=`mo_ctl get_cid less | sed -n '2p'`
if [[ "${cid}" == "" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get_cid or cid is not that as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl uninstall' (uninstall mo)
run: |
mo_ctl stop force
echo "yes" | mo_ctl uninstall
if [[ -d "${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}/matrixone" ]]; then
echo "Uninstall failed"
exit 1
# Job 5-3
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deoloy 38888f7' (deploy a valid commit id)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_1 }}"
mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_1 }}
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl get_branch' (get current branch)
run: |
mo_ctl get_branch
branch=`mo_ctl get_branch | tail -n 1 | awk -F'current branch: ' '{print $2}'`
echo "branch is ${branch}"
if [[ "${branch}" != "${{ env.MO_TEST_BRANCH_1 }}" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get_branch or branch is not that as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl get_cid' (get commit id)
run: |
mo_ctl get_cid
cid=`mo_ctl get_cid less | sed -n '2p'`
if ! echo "${cid}" | grep ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_1}} ; then
echo "Failed to get_cid or cid is not that as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl uninstall' (uninstall mo)
run: |
mo_ctl stop force
echo "yes" | mo_ctl uninstall
if [[ -d "${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}/matrixone" ]]; then
echo "Uninstall failed"
exit 1
# Job 5-4
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/mysql-client/bin:$PATH"' >> /Users/runner/.bash_profile
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy main force' (deploy latest commit id on main with force option)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}
echo "123" > ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}/123.txt
echo "listing test file and its content: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}/123.txt"
ls -lth ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}/123.txt
cat ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}/123.txt
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: echo \"yes\" | mo_ctl deploy main force"
echo "yes" | mo_ctl deploy main force
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl get_branch' (get current branch)
run: |
mo_ctl get_branch
branch=`mo_ctl get_branch | tail -n 1 | awk -F'current branch: ' '{print $2}'`
echo "branch is ${branch}"
if [[ "${branch}" != "${{ env.MO_MAIN_BRANCH }}" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get_branch or branch is not that as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl get_cid' (get commit id)
run: |
mo_ctl get_cid
cid=`mo_ctl get_cid less | sed -n '2p'`
if [[ "${cid}" == "" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get_cid or cid is not that as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl uninstall' (uninstall mo)
run: |
mo_ctl stop force
echo "yes" | mo_ctl uninstall
if [[ -d "${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}/matrixone" ]]; then
echo "Uninstall failed"
exit 1
# Job 5-5
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deoloy 12345678' (deploy an invalid commit id)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy 12345678"
if mo_ctl deploy 12345678; then
echo "Deploy should fail when deploying an invalid commit id, but it didn't"
exit 1
# Job 6
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "Setting up env for mysql client"
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy main"
mo_ctl deploy main
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl status' (no mo-service running)
run: |
echo ""
if ! mo_ctl status; then
echo "'mo_ctl status' fails as expected"
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl start'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl start && mo_ctl status
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl status' (mo-service running)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl status
echo "'mo_ctl status' succeeds as expected"
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl stop'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl stop
if ! mo_ctl status; then
echo "Stop as expected"
- name: Test_5. 'mo_ctl restart'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl restart && mo_ctl status
- name: Test_6. 'mo_ctl stop force'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl stop force
if ! mo_ctl status; then
echo "Stop force as expected"
- name: Test_7. 'mo_ctl restart'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl restart force && mo_ctl status
# Job 7
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy main"
mo_ctl deploy main
echo "Sleep 5 seconds and start mo-service"
sleep 5 && mo_ctl start
echo "Check mo-service status"
mo_ctl status
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl connect' (mo-service running)
run: |
echo ""
echo "select version()" | mo_ctl connect
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl connect' (mo-service not running)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl stop force
if mo_ctl status; then
echo "Failed to stop mo-service"
exit 1
if echo "select version()" | mo_ctl connect; then
echo "When mo-service is not running, mo_ctl connect should fail but it didn't"
exit 1
# Job 8
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy main"
mo_ctl deploy main
echo "Sleep 5 seconds and start mo-service"
sleep 5 && mo_ctl start
echo "Check mo-service status"
mo_ctl status
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
echo "Create test path and test files"
mkdir -p ${{ env.TEST_SQL_PATH }}
echo "select version();" > ${{ env.TEST_SQL_FILE_1 }}
echo "select 1;" > ${{ env.TEST_SQL_FILE_2 }}
echo "select @@sql_mode;" > ${{ env.TEST_SQL_FILE_3 }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl sql "[sql_query]"' (valid)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl sql "select version()"
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl sql "[sql_query]"' (invalid)
run: |
echo ""
if mo_ctl sql "select xx from xx;"; then
echo "Invalid sql query does not fail as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl sql "[sql_file]"' (valid)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl sql ${{ env.TEST_SQL_FILE_1 }}
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl sql "[sql_file]"' (invalid)
run: |
echo ""
if mo_ctl sql /tmp/123/456/789.txt; then
echo "Invalid sql file does not fail as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_5. 'mo_ctl sql "[sql_path]"' (valid)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl sql ${{ env.TEST_SQL_PATH }}
- name: Test_6. 'mo_ctl sql "[sql_path]"' (invalid)
run: |
echo ""
if mo_ctl sql /tmp/123/456/789/; then
echo "Invalid sql path does not fail as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_7. 'mo_ctl sql ""' (empty input)
run: |
if mo_ctl sql || mo_sql sql ""; then
echo "Invalid sql path does not fail as expected"
exit 1
# Job 9
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy main"
mo_ctl deploy main
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl watchdog' (check disabled status)
run: |
echo ""
if mo_ctl watchdog || mo_ctl watchdog status; then
echo "mo_ctl watchdog does not fail as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl watchdog enable' (enable watchdog)
run: |
echo ""
if ! mo_ctl watchdog enable; then
echo "'mo_ctl watchdog enable' failed"
exit 1
echo "Sleep 65 seconds and see if mo-service is running"
sleep 65
mo_ctl status
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl watchdog' (check enabled status)
run: |
echo ""
if mo_ctl watchdog && mo_ctl watchdog status; then
echo "'mo_ctl watchdog' succeeds as expected"
echo "'mo_ctl watchdog' failed"
exit 1
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl watchdog disable' (disable watchdog)
run: |
echo "Stop mo-service"
if ! mo_ctl stop; then
mo_ctl stop force
echo "Disable mo watchdog"
mo_ctl watchdog disable
echo "Check mo_watchdog stauts"
if mo_ctl watchdog || mo_ctl watchdog status; then
echo "mo_ctl watchdog does not fail as expected"
exit 1
echo "Sleep 65 seconds and see if mo-service will not be pulled up running"
sleep 65
if mo_ctl status; then
echo "mo-service is still in running status, seems like disabling watchdog did not succeed as expected"
exit 1
# Job 10
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy main"
mo_ctl deploy main
echo "Sleep 5 seconds and start mo-service"
sleep 5 && mo_ctl start
echo "Check mo-service status"
mo_ctl status
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}
mo_ctl set_conf PPROF_OUT_PATH="${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}"
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl pprof' (collect profile for default 30 seconds)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl pprof
ls -lth ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/
if [[ "`ls ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/ | wc -l | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'`" != "1" ]]; then
echo "No file is generated in ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/"
exit 1
cd ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/ && rm -f ./*
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl pprof profile' (collect profile for default 30 seconds)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl pprof profile
ls -lth ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/
if [[ "`ls ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/ | wc -l | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'`" != "1" ]]; then
echo "No file is generated in ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/"
exit 1
cd ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/ && rm -f ./*
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl pprof profile 15' (collect profile for 15 seconds)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl pprof profile 15
ls -lth ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/
if [[ "`ls ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/ | wc -l | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'`" != "1" ]]; then
echo "No file is generated in ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/"
exit 1
cd ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/ && rm -f ./*
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl pprof heap' (collect heap)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl pprof heap
ls -lth ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/
if [[ "`ls ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/ | wc -l | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'`" != "1" ]]; then
echo "No file is generated in ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/"
exit 1
cd ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/ && rm -f ./*
- name: Test_5. 'mo_ctl pprof allocs' (collect allocs)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl pprof allocs
ls -lth ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/
if [[ "`ls ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/ | wc -l | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g'`" != "1" ]]; then
echo "No file is generated in ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/"
exit 1
cd ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}/ && rm -f ./*
# Job 11-1
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy [current_stable_version]' (deploy current stable version)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_STABLE_VERSION }}"
mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_STABLE_VERSION }}
mo_ctl get_cid
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl start' (start mo-service) and prepare some data
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleeping 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
echo "Prepare some data"
mo_ctl sql "create database test; use test; create table tb1(id int, name varchar(50)); insert into test.tb1 values (1, 'Andy'),(2,'Becky'),(3,'Cindy'),(4,'David'),(5,'Emma'),(6,'Francis')"
mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl upgrade latest' (current stable version -> latest commit id)
run: |
if ! mo_ctl stop; then
mo_ctl stop force
sleep 5
echo "Sleep 5 seconds before upgrading"
mo_ctl upgrade latest
mo_ctl start
sleep 5
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
if ! mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"; then
echo "Run query failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another"
# Job 11-2
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "Setting up env for mysql client"
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/mysql-client/bin:$PATH"' >> /Users/runner/.bash_profile
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy main' (deploy latest commit id)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy latest"
mo_ctl deploy main
mo_ctl get_cid
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl start' (start mo-service) and prepare some data
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleeping 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
echo "Prepare some data"
mo_ctl sql "create database test; use test; create table tb1(id int, name varchar(50)); insert into test.tb1 values (1, 'Andy'),(2,'Becky'),(3,'Cindy'),(4,'David'),(5,'Emma'),(6,'Francis')"
mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl upgrade [current_stable_version]' (latest commit id -> current stable version)
run: |
if ! mo_ctl stop; then
mo_ctl stop force
echo "Sleep 5 seconds before upgrading"
sleep 5
mo_ctl upgrade ${{ env.MO_STABLE_VERSION }}
if ! mo_ctl start; then
echo "Start mo-service failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another. Ignoring... "
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
if ! mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"; then
echo "Run query failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another. Ignoring... "
# Job 11-3
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy [current_stable_version]' (deploy current stable version)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_STABLE_VERSION }}"
mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_STABLE_VERSION }}
mo_ctl get_cid
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl start' (start mo-service) and prepare some data
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleeping 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
echo "Prepare some data"
mo_ctl sql "create database test; use test; create table tb1(id int, name varchar(50)); insert into test.tb1 values (1, 'Andy'),(2,'Becky'),(3,'Cindy'),(4,'David'),(5,'Emma'),(6,'Francis')"
mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl upgrade [cid_1]' (current stable version -> cid_1)
run: |
if ! mo_ctl stop; then
mo_ctl stop force
sleep 5
echo "Sleep 5 seconds before upgrading"
mo_ctl upgrade ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_1 }}
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
if ! mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"; then
echo "Run query failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another"
# Job 11-4
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy [cid_1]' (deploy cid_1)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_1 }}"
mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_1 }}
mo_ctl get_cid
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl start' (start mo-service) and prepare some data
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleeping 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
echo "Prepare some data"
mo_ctl sql "create database test; use test; create table tb1(id int, name varchar(50)); insert into test.tb1 values (1, 'Andy'),(2,'Becky'),(3,'Cindy'),(4,'David'),(5,'Emma'),(6,'Francis')"
mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl upgrade [current_stable_version]' (cid_1 -> current stable version)
run: |
if ! mo_ctl stop; then
mo_ctl stop force
echo "Sleep 5 seconds before upgrading"
sleep 5
mo_ctl upgrade ${{ env.MO_STABLE_VERSION }}
if ! mo_ctl start; then
echo "Start mo-service failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another. Ignoring... "
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
if ! mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"; then
echo "Run query failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another. Ignoring... "
# Job 11-5
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy [cid_1]' (deploy cid_1)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_1 }}"
mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_1 }}
mo_ctl get_cid
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl start' (start mo-service) and prepare some data
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleeping 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
echo "Prepare some data"
mo_ctl sql "create database test; use test; create table tb1(id int, name varchar(50)); insert into test.tb1 values (1, 'Andy'),(2,'Becky'),(3,'Cindy'),(4,'David'),(5,'Emma'),(6,'Francis')"
mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl upgrade [cid_2]' (cid_1 -> cid_2)
run: |
if ! mo_ctl stop; then
mo_ctl stop force
sleep 5
echo "Sleep 5 seconds before upgrading"
mo_ctl upgrade ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_2 }}
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
if ! mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"; then
echo "Run query failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another"
# Job 11-6
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy [cid_2]' (deploy cid_2)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_2 }}"
mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_2 }}
mo_ctl get_cid
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl start' (start mo-service) and prepare some data
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleeping 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
echo "Prepare some data"
mo_ctl sql "create database test; use test; create table tb1(id int, name varchar(50)); insert into test.tb1 values (1, 'Andy'),(2,'Becky'),(3,'Cindy'),(4,'David'),(5,'Emma'),(6,'Francis')"
mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl upgrade [cid_1]' (cid_2 -> cid_1)
run: |
if ! mo_ctl stop; then
mo_ctl stop force
echo "Sleep 5 seconds before upgrading"
sleep 5
mo_ctl upgrade ${{ env.MO_STABLE_VERSION }}
if ! mo_ctl start; then
echo "Start mo-service failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another. Ignoring... "
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
if ! mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"; then
echo "Run query failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another. Ignoring... "
# Job 11-7
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy [cid_1]' (deploy cid_1)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_1 }}"
mo_ctl deploy ${{ env.MO_TEST_CID_1 }}
mo_ctl get_cid
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl start' (start mo-service) and prepare some data
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleeping 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
echo "Prepare some data"
mo_ctl sql "create database test; use test; create table tb1(id int, name varchar(50)); insert into test.tb1 values (1, 'Andy'),(2,'Becky'),(3,'Cindy'),(4,'David'),(5,'Emma'),(6,'Francis')"
mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl upgrade latest' (cid_1 -> latest)
run: |
if ! mo_ctl stop; then
mo_ctl stop force
sleep 5
echo "Sleep 5 seconds before upgrading"
mo_ctl upgrade latest
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
if ! mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"; then
echo "Run query failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another"
# Job 11-8
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "Installing mysql client"
brew install mysql-client
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy main' (deploy latest)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy main"
mo_ctl deploy main
mo_ctl get_cid
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl start' (start mo-service) and prepare some data
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl start
echo "Sleeping 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
echo "Prepare some data"
mo_ctl sql "create database test; use test; create table tb1(id int, name varchar(50)); insert into test.tb1 values (1, 'Andy'),(2,'Becky'),(3,'Cindy'),(4,'David'),(5,'Emma'),(6,'Francis')"
mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl upgrade [cid_1]' (latest -> cid_1)
run: |
if ! mo_ctl stop; then
mo_ctl stop force
echo "Sleep 5 seconds before upgrading"
sleep 5
mo_ctl upgrade ${{ env.MO_STABLE_VERSION }}
if ! mo_ctl start; then
echo "Start mo-service failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another. Ignoring... "
echo "Sleep 30 seconds for mo to be ready"
sleep 30
if ! mo_ctl sql "select count(*) from test.tb1; select * from test.tb1"; then
echo "Run query failed. This may be due to incompatible data format when upgrading from one cid to another. Ignoring... "
# Job 12
runs-on: macos-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mo_ctl set_conf MO_DEPLOY_MODE="docker"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_CONTAINER_DATA_HOST_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_CONTAINER_LIMIT_CPU="1"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_CONTAINER_AUTO_RESTART="yes"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_CONTAINER_IMAGE="matrixorigin/matrixone:latest"
- name: Install docker
uses: docker-practice/actions-setup-docker@master
timeout-minutes: 12
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl precheck'
run: |
echo ""
if ! mo_ctl status; then
echo "'mo_ctl status' fails as expected"
- name: Test_2. 'mo_ctl status' (no mo-service running)
run: |
echo ""
if ! mo_ctl status; then
echo "'mo_ctl status' fails as expected"
- name: Test_3. 'mo_ctl deploy main'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl deploy main
- name: Test_4. 'mo_ctl status' (mo-service not running)
run: |
echo ""
if ! mo_ctl status; then
echo "'mo_ctl status' failed as expected"
exit 1
- name: Test_5. 'mo_ctl start'
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}
mo_ctl set_conf MO_CONTAINER_DATA_HOST_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl start && mo_ctl status
- name: Test_6. 'mo_ctl status' (mo-service running)
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl status
echo "'mo_ctl status' succeeds as expected"
- name: Test_7. 'mo_ctl stop'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl stop
if ! mo_ctl status; then
echo "Stop as expected"
- name: Test_8. 'mo_ctl restart'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl restart && mo_ctl status
- name: Test_9. 'mo_ctl stop force'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl stop force
if ! mo_ctl status; then
echo "Stop force as expected"
- name: Test_10. 'mo_ctl restart force'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl restart force && mo_ctl status
sleep 30
- name: Test_11. 'mo_ctl pprof'
run: |
echo ""
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}
mo_ctl set_conf PPROF_OUT_PATH="${{ env.MO_PPROF_PATH }}"
mo_ctl pprof
mo_ctl pprof profile
mo_ctl pprof profile 30
mo_ctl pprof allocs
mo_ctl pprof heap
- name: Test_12. 'mo_ctl connect'
run: |
echo ""
echo "show databases;" | mo_ctl connect
- name: Test_13. 'mo_ctl sql'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl sql 'select version();'
- name: Test_14. 'mo_ctl uninstall'
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl stop
echo "yes" | mo_ctl uninstall
# Job 15
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Initialize environment
run: |
echo "install mo_ctl with Internet(no proxy)"
wget ${{ env.MO_CTL_GIT_URL }}/ && bash +x ./
mkdir -p ${{ env.MO_PATH }}
- name: Install docker
uses: docker-practice/actions-setup-docker@master
timeout-minutes: 12
- name: Test_1. 'mo_ctl deploy main' (deploy latest)
run: |
echo ""
RUN_TAG="$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_PATH="${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}"
mo_ctl set_conf GOPROXY="${{ env.GO_PROXY }}"
mo_ctl set_conf MO_BUILD_IMAGE_PATH=/tmp
echo "MO_PATH: ${{ env.MO_PATH }}/${RUN_TAG}, test_cmd: mo_ctl deploy main"
mo_ctl deploy main
mo_ctl get_cid
mo_ctl set_conf TOOL_LOG_LEVEL="D"
- name: Test_2. build image
run: |
echo ""
mo_ctl build_image
- name: Test_3. check image
run: |
echo ""
docker images
ls -lth /tmp/