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1. Installation and Configuration

garthsabo edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 11 revisions

##Install KORA-Connect

To install the KORA-Connect plugin for your Wordpress site, follow the steps below.

  1. Retrieve the source code for the KORA plugin from PLACEHOLDER.
  2. Place the source code in the Wordpress plugins directory [\wordpress\wp-content\plugins].

##Configure KORA-Connect

Once you have placed the source code in the plugins directory:

  1. Open the file dbconfig.php.dist.

  2. Edit the file as indicated below, replacing 'XXXX' with your personal System Authentication Settings.

    //Server Authentication Settings //server username define("kordat_dbuser", 'XXXX'); //server password define("kordat_dbpass", "XXXXXX");

  3. Once you have made the indicated changes, click Save As and save this file as dbconfig.php.

  4. For security purposes, open the files kora_database_admin.php and kora_execute.php and change the passwords listed there. The password must be changed twice in the database_admin file and once in the execute file. Make sure that all three passwords match exactly.

##Activate KORA-Connect

With the KORA-Connect plugin installed and configured to your System Authentication Settings:

  1. Open your Wordpress dashboard.
  2. Select Plugins.
  3. Select the KORA-Connect plugin.

WP Activate Plugin screen 4. Click Activate.

You should now see a KoraConnect menu in the dashboard on the left side of the screen. WP Dashboard with KORA Connect installed

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