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Linked Data Reactor (LD-R) applied on modeling building topology


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Linked Data Reactor (LD-R) application for modeling building topology

  • This application is based on the Linked Data Reactor (LD-R) v1.2.3 published by Dr. Ali Khalili and Prof. Frank van Harmelen of the VU University Amsterdam
  • tested on Windows 10 with node.js v10.15.3 (npm v6.4.1), webpack v4.6.0, and both Stardog v7.2.0 and GraphDB v8.6.1
  • tested on Windows 10 with Docker Desktop v19.03.1 and both Stardog v7.2.0 and GraphDB v8.6.1

Setup a triplestore

LD-R can be used with a variety of triplestores, including Stardog and GraphDB (both tested). To work with other types of triplestores, please read the LD-R specific information and/or study the examples in the configs/server.sample.js config file when making your own configs.

  1. Make sure a Stardog/GraphDB triplestore is running on localhost:5820/localhost:7200. LD-R can be used to access a database demanding authentication (username/password) but it is also possible to deactive the security of the triplestore itself when only working in development mode locally:

stardog-admin.bat server start --disable-security

or double click the GraphDB widget to start GraphDB (security can be disabled via the workbench at localhost:7200/users and clicking the switch in the upper right corner)

  1. Create a new database (any name will do, as long as you configure the server.sample.js as explained in step 4). Make sure, that at least an OWL2-RL reasoning is enabled for the dataset. Particularly in the case of GraphDB, the default settings (RDFS-plus optimized) is not enough to use these configs efficiently. Note that it's not possible to change this after you've created the repository in GraphDB.

Add the BOT (building topology), DOT (building damage), BEO (building elements classification taxonomy) and MDCS (building damage classification taxonomy) ontology each in a named graph of this database. If you're also working with geometry using OMG/FOG, you can load OMG (linking geometry) and FOG (taxonomy of geometry format properties).

Load the ontologies all in a named graph as follows:

Ontology named graph
BOT https://mynamedgraph/bot
DOT https://mynamedgraph/dot
BEO https://mynamedgraph/beo
MDCS https://mynamedgraph/mdcs
OMG https://mynamedgraph/omg
FOG https://mynamedgraph/fog

Note: Except for MDCS, a copy of all these ontologies are included in this repo under Linked Building Data ontologies. The LD-R app is currently configured to work smoothly with these versions of these ontologies.

stardog-admin db create -n repositoryName

stardog data add --named-graph https://mynamedgraph/bot repositoryName bot_v0.3.1_20190723.ttl

or use the GraphDB workbench at localhost:7200/repository to create a database (repository). The GraphDB workbench (Import > RDF) can also be used to add the ontologies to a named graph in this database.

  1. Also add two supporting triples to the dataset by running the following query:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX ext-beo: <>
PREFIX ext-mdcs: <>
    GRAPH <https://mynamedgraph/mdcs> { ext-mdcs:type rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:type }
    GRAPH <https://mynamedgraph/beo> { ext-beo:type rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:type }
  1. open the LD-R config for the server settings (configs/server.sample.js) and adapt them to your triplestore setup: host, type of triplestore, authentication (if active for triplestore) and port (endpoint triplestore). Leave all other settings as they are to ensure a smooth start.
'': { // never change this line!! (this is used as a reference in other configs)
    host: 'host.docker.internal', // if you don't use Docker Desktop for LD-R, change 'host.docker.internal' into 'localhost'
    port: 7200, // by default Stardog starts at port 5820 and GraphDB at port 7200
    path: '/repositories/repositoryName', // name of the database/repository in the triplestore (stardog: '/databaseName' and GraphDB: 'repositories/repositoryName')
    graphName: 'default',
    endpointType: 'graphdb', // 'stardog' or 'graphdb'
    // username: 'myusername', // only set if the triplestore has authentication on
    // password: 'mypassword', // only set if the triplestore has authentication on
    useReasoning: 1,
'https://mynamedgraph/mdcs': { // never change this line!! (this is used as a reference in other configs)
    host: 'host.docker.internal', // if you don't use Docker Desktop for LD-R, change 'host.docker.internal' into 'localhost'
    port: 7200, // by default Stardog starts at port 5820 and GraphDB at port 7200
    path: '/repositories/repositoryName', // name of the database/repository in the triplestore (stardog: '/databaseName' and GraphDB: 'repositories/repositoryName')
    graphName: 'https://mynamedgraph/mdcs',
    endpointType: 'graphdb', // 'stardog' or 'graphdb'
    // username: 'myusername', // only set if the triplestore has authentication on
    // password: 'mypassword', // only set if the triplestore has authentication on
    useReasoning: 0, // MB: with GraphDB it is not possible to reason over a named graph in LD-R
'https://mynamedgraph/beo': { // never change this line!! (this is used as a reference in other configs)
    host: 'host.docker.internal', // if you don't use Docker Desktop for LD-R, change 'host.docker.internal' into 'localhost'
    port: 7200, // by default Stardog starts at port 5820 and GraphDB at port 7200
    path: '/repositories/repositoryName', // name of the database/repository in the triplestore (stardog: '/databaseName' and GraphDB: 'repositories/repositoryName')
    graphName: 'https://mynamedgraph/beo',
    endpointType: 'graphdb', // 'stardog' or 'graphdb'
    // username: 'myusername', // only set if the triplestore has authentication on
    // password: 'mypassword', // only set if the triplestore has authentication on
    useReasoning: 0, // MB: with GraphDB it is not possible to reason over a named graph in LD-R

Note: each time you want to make a change to the (static) configuration files, you have to create a new Docker image and Docker container (see steps below. Use a name for the image and container that is different from the one selected for older versions.

Installing LD-R using Docker (quickstart)

  1. Install Docker. In this example, we use Docker Desktop for Mac or Windows.

  2. Make sure Docker is started (might take a while)

docker --version

  1. Download (ZIP and unzip) or git clone this repository

git clone <LocalFolderName>

  1. Move in the folder using the command line

cd <LocalFolderName>

  1. Create a Docker image from the Dockerfile (last part is the name of the Docker image)

docker build . -t ld-r-docker-buildings

  1. Create and start a Docker container based on the image of step 5 (part behind --name is the name of the Docker container)

docker run -it --name "ld-r-container" -p 4000:4000 ld-r-docker-buildings npm run build

  1. Navigate in your browser to localhost:4000 to find the LD-R app running

Closing the app correctly

Close LD-R by pressing CTRL+C in the command line (both on Mac or Windows). Next, you might also want to close the triplestore and Docker Desktop.

Restarting the application later

Make sure Docker Desktop is running. Restart the container made in step 6 (make sure the same triplestore is running as before)

docker start -i "ld-r-container"

Installing LD-R using node.js (development)

(LD-R specific information:

  1. Make sure a recent version of node and webpack is installed. Webpack has to be installed globally

npm install webpack -g

  1. Download or git clone this repository

git clone <LocalFolderName>

  1. Move in the folder

cd <LocalFolderName>

  1. Install the dependencies and the configs. If on Windows:

run the instal.bat by double clicking it

If on a Unix-based OS, run:


  1. Start the LD-R application in development mode

npm run dev

  1. Navigate in a browser to localhost:3000 to find the LD-R application running

Starting to model a building using Linked Building Data ontologies: BOT, DOT, BEO, MDCS, OMG and FOG

Building topology: BOT

You might want to start modeling a new building with the application. The easiest way to do this using LD-R is to work top-down: start with modeling the building site (bot:Site) followed by the building (bot:Building) contained by the site, building storeys (bot:Storey) contained by the building, spaces (bot:Space) contained by the storeys and building elements (bot:Element) contained by the spaces.

If you want to add a new bot:Site instance to the database to model another building site, you need to create a new node by adding a triple such as <> a bot:Site. LD-R allows you to choose the URI of each node you create, except for an initially unconnected node, as is the case for the building site. You can define a building site by clicking on Datasets > my building described using Linked Building Data and then selecting the Add a New Resource button at the bottom of the webpage. A new URI for the node is automatically generated, but the node still has to be made an instance of bot:Site instead of ldr:Resource (do this at once, or the new node will not be found by found by LD-R facet search). Use the button Add Property/Value at the bottom of the page to add new properties to the building site. Autocomplete will help with selecting predefined properties (e.g. rdfs:comment), but users can enter any custom property (using prefixed or full URI) they like to use. For convenient modeling, the UI allows the usage of predifined prefixes (in data/prefixes.js) such as bot: and inst: (example namespace for new nodes).

Starting from the building site, you can model the rest of the building topology by adding BOT topology relations from the bot:Site instance to new instances (e.g. bot:hasBuilding). All BOT classes (except bot:Site) are inferred from the used relations.

More information on the usage of BOT (building topology) can be found here:

Properties for building zones and elements: PROPS

Note PROPS is not (yet) documented in an ontology.

Any resource (e.g. a bot:Zone or bot:Element) can also get any additional non-topological properties attached using the button Add Property/Value at the bottom of the page when focusing on a single resource. The PROPS and RDFS properties below make it easier to make a rudimentary building model. Properties from other ontologies can be used, but there will probably be no correct prefix and autocomplete available in LD-R. In addition, LD-R will default to a generic rendering of such external properties.

property Usage
props:storeyElevation The start height of a storey in meter
props:storeyNumber The number of a storey for reference
props:spaceNumber The number of a space for reference
props:hasMaterial A material used in the building element. A dropdown list and autocomplete is provided for some generic materials: e.g. props:mat-wood
rdfs:seeAlso A link to another website, dataset, resource URI, etc. related to the thing described (LD-R will propose URIs from DBPedia using spotlight)
rdfs:label A short name of the thing described
rdfs:comment A longer definition or description of the thing described

Building element classification: BEO

Building elements (instances of bot:Element) can also be classified using classes from BEO. Normally, this is done directly using the rdf:type property, but to make the modeling in LD-R more convenient, a subproperty is defined: ext-beo:type. When adding your first BEO class type, you can use the autocomplete which will propose the most specific BEO classes available in the taxonomy. Additionally, a more convenient dropdownlist becomes available when having asserted the first BEO class to a resource using ext-beo:type. Note that a certain building element can be an instance of multiple BEO types or even types from other taxonomies.

In some cases, users might want to extend or update the BEO taxonomy on-the-fly and extend it locally to match their needs. This LD-R app supports this type of modeling by clicking on Datasets > LD-R dataset to extend the BEO taxonomy and then selecting the Add a New Resource button at the bottom of the webpage. A template based on an existing BEO class will be provided for your convenience and can be adapted at will. Always make sure that the rdfs:subClassOf is correctly set, to make the new class part of the BEO taxonomy. Note that the above autocomplete and dropdownlist will not automatically include this new class and a manual insertion will be needed.

Building damage modeling: DOT

Each building element can be damaged somehow and this information can be modeled using DOT. The ontology supports the modeling of damage topology, related inspections, documentation, etc. Two types of the most common damage topology classes are supported by this LD-R app: dot:DamageElement (individual damages such as cracks, failures, etc.) and dot:DamageArea (larger zone degraded, e.g. by mold). Besides these two topological classes, the damage instance should also be classified using either dot:StructuralDamage (a damage influencing the structural capacity of the element) or dot:Defect (all other types of non-structural damage).

More information on the usage of DOT (building damage) can be found here:

Building damage classification: MDCS

Damage instances can, similarly as building elements with BEO, be classified according to the kind of damage using the MDCS taxonomy. Normally, this is done directly using the rdf:type property, but to make the modeling in LD-R more convenient, a subproperty is defined: ext-mdcs:type. When adding your first MDCS class type, you can use the autocomplete which will propose the most specific MDCS classes available in the taxonomy. Additionally, a more convenient dropdownlist becomes available when having asserted the first MDCS class to a resource using ext-mdcs:type. Note that a certain damage instance can be an instance of multiple MDCS types or even types from other taxonomies.

If a building element is damaged, but the damage classification is not (yet) known, this can be modelled by using dot:UnclassifiedDamage instead of an MDCS class.

In some cases, users might want to extend or update the MDCS taxonomy on-the-fly and extend it locally to match their needs. This LD-R app supports this type of modeling by clicking on Datasets > LD-R dataset to extend the MDCS taxonomy and then selecting the Add a New Resource button at the bottom of the webpage. A template based on an existing MDCS class will be provided for your convenience and can be adapted at will. Always make sure that the rdfs:subClassOf is correctly set, to make the new class part of the MDCS taxonomy. Note that the above autocomplete and dropdownlist will not automatically include this new class and a manual insertion will be needed.

Linking geometry descriptions: OMG and FOG

In addition to the previous ontologies, this LD-R app also recognizes properties from OMG and FOG for linking building elements, building zones or building damages to a geometry description. Since geometry modeling is a topic on its own, that requires dedicated tools (e.g. a CAD modeling application), it is not really feasible to model geometry yourselves using LD-R. It is currently also not possible to view the geometry descriptions inside LD-R that are added to the graph by other tools. A specific proof-of-concept application was developed as a side project:

More information on the usage of OMG-FOG (linking to geometry descriptions) can be found here:

Modified files from the original LD-R repository

  • configs/general.js
  • configs/reactor.js
  • configs/server.js
  • configs/facets.js
  • data/autocompletes.js
  • data/prefixes.js


Please cite the following paper when using the configs of release v0.0.1 in your LD-R app:

  • Bonduel, M., Rasmussen, M. H., Pauwels, P., Vergauwen, M., & Klein, R. (2018). A novel workflow to combine BIM and Linked Data for existing buildings. In J. Karlshøj & R. J. Scherer (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM) (pp. 347–354). Copenhagen, Denmark: CRC Press.

Cite either the original Github repository of LD-R or one of the publications published by the authors of the main LD-R app, when referring to LD-R itself.


Linked Data Reactor (LD-R) applied on modeling building topology



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