gcc main.cpp utils.c -lz -lstdc++ -o fqt
fqt transpose: transpose fastq format to per cycle format
./fqt transpose
usage: transpose --input_file=string --read_len=int [options] ...
-i, --input_file path to the input fastq file (string)
-o, --output_dir output folder (namely a SAMPLE) to restore output files (string [=./])
-b, --buf_size memory buffer size for each output file (int [=1048576])
-l, --read_len read length of the fastq file (int)
-?, --help print this message
fqt concat: randomly combine multiple cycle format SAMPLE to one cycle format SAMPLE, generate responding barcode file
./fqt concat
usage: concat --read_len=int [options] ... [SAMPLE 1] [SAMPLE 2] ...
-o, --output_dir output folder to restore output files (string [=./])
-b, --buf_size memory buffer size for each input SAMPLE and output file (int [=1048576])
-l, --read_len read length of each SAMPLE (int)
-?, --help print this message
fqt bc: view uint16_t format barcode file in console
./fqt bc
usage: bc --input_dir=string --start=int --end=int [options] ...
-i, --input_dir folder which contains barcode.bin.gz file (string)
-s, --start start position (int)
-e, --end end position (int)
-?, --help print this message