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SwiftMongoDB Carthage compatible

A Swifter way to work with MongoDB in Swift. Wraps around the MongoDB C Driver 1.2.0 (supports MongoDB version 2.4 and later).


The simplest way to use SwiftMongoDB is through Carthage.

All you have to do is add the following to your Cartfile:

github "Danappelxx/SwiftMongoDB"

and then run:

$ carthage bootstrap

This gives you a built SwiftMongoDB.framework in Carthage/Build/Mac. For instructions on how to use it, refer to the Carthage README You can now proceed to read through the tutorial.


This example assumes that you have setup the project and have MongoDB running.

First, you need to establish a connection to the MongoDB server.

let client = try MongoClient(host: "localhost", port: 27017, database: "test")

If you have a keen eye you may have noticed the try keyword. This is due to SwiftMongoDB using the Swift 2 error handling model. What this means is that most methods need to be wrapped in a do {} block, with an optional catch {} block afterwards (this won't be shown, but will be assumed). Hopefully this will make working with SwiftMongoDB cleaner and more predictable.

You can connect to a MongoDB instance (local or not) this way.

Then you need to pick a collection. The collection doesn't have to exist (it will be created automatically if it isn't).

let subjects = MongoCollection(collectionName: "subjects", client: client)

An important aspect of SwiftMongoDB is how it handles inserting documents. Most of the work will be done with a medium called MongoDocument, where you insert either a [String : AnyObject] type dictionary, a JSON string, or from a mongoose-like schema. It then gets converted to a lower level type called BSON behind the scenes (you, fortunately, don't have to worry about this).

For example, say you wanted to create a human named Dan. This is how it would look in JSON:

  "name" : "Dan",
  "age" : 15,
  "lovesProgramming" : true,
  "location" : {
    "state" : "California"
  "favoriteNumbers" : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

It looks pretty similar in Swift:

let data = [
    "name": "Dan",
    "age": 15,
    "lovesProgramming" : true,
    "location": [
        "state": "California"
    "favoriteNumbers" : [1,2,3,4,5]

let subject = MongoDocument(data)

And the (much cleaner) schema option which SwiftMongoDB provides you with looks like this. All you have to do is create a struct, class, or protocol that conforms to the type MongoObject. For more information about schemas, visit the schema section of this README.

struct TestSubject: MongoObject {
  let name = "Dan"
  let age = 15
  let lovesProgramming = true
  let friends = [
  let location = [
    "state" : "California"
  let favoriteNumbers = [1,2,3,4,5]

let subject = TestSubject().Document()

You can then insert the newly created document(s) into the collection.


That's it for inserting documents - pretty neat, right?

Now, lets do some querying!

Here's the most basic query you can possibly perform:

let result = subjects.find()

Now, say we inserted a few more test subjects and wanted to query for all of them whose age is exactly 15. This is pretty simple:

let result = try subjects.find(["age" : 15])

The query parameter operates just as it would in most other MongoDB implementations. For instance, in the MongoDB shell, this would be the equivalent of db.subjects.find( {"age" : 15} ).

Removing documents works the same way - if you want to remove all of the test subjects named Dan, you simply do:

try subjects.remove(["name" : "Dan"])

Those are the basics - it's really a very small simple library. You can take a look at the test suite which should show you some of the methods not shown here. Otherwise, feel free to jump right into the deep end and start using SwiftMongoDB!


Schemas are a very powerful part of SwiftMongoDB. If you've ever used Mongoose, this might look a little familiar.

The most basic example uses a generic object with properties, which can then be inserted into a collection.

struct MyBasicObject: MongoObject {

    var _privateData: String {
        return "some computed data which will be ignored."

    var prop1 = "123"
    var prop2 = 10
    var prop3 = true

    func doStuff() {
        // do stuff

var myBasicObject = MyBasicObject()
myBasicObject.prop3 = false
// can now insert myBasicObject into a collection.

The next example uses protocols to define schemas to make it easier for you to create multiple objects under the same schema.

protocol MySchema: MongoObject {

    var prop1: String {get}
    var prop2: Int {get}
    var prop3: Bool {get}

struct MySchemadObject1: MySchema {

    var _privateData: String {
        return "Some private, hidden data."

    let prop1 = "123"
    let prop2 = 10
    let prop3 = true

    func doStuff() {
        // do stuff

struct MySchemadObject2: MySchema {

    var _privateData: String {
        return "Some private, hidden data."

    var prop1 = "hello world!"
    var prop2 = 1
    var prop3 = false

    func doOtherStuff() {
        // do other stuff

var mySchemadObject1 = MySchemadObject1()
//mySchemadObject1.prop2 = 5 cannot do
var mySchemadObject2 = MySchemadObject2()
//mySchemadObject2.prop2 = 5 can do

// can now insert mySchemadObject1, mySchemadObject2 into a collection

This last example takes advantages of a new feature in Swift 2 called Protocol Extensions. Essentially, it allows you to insert implementations of the protocol in the protocol itself. In SwiftMongoDB, you can use protocol extensions to define default values in your schema.

protocol MySchemaWithDefaults: MongoObject {
    var prop1: String {get}
    var prop2: Int {get}
    var prop3: Bool {get}

extension MySchemaWithDefaults {
    var prop1: String {
        return "hello world!"

    var prop2: Int {
        return 5

struct MyObjectWithDefaults: MySchemaWithDefaults {
    var prop2 = 7
    var prop3 = false

let myObjectWithDefaults = MyObjectWithDefaults()

myObjectWithDefaults.prop1 // results in default value: hello world
myObjectWithDefaults.prop2 // results in non-default value: 7
myObjectWithDefaults.prop3 // results in schema'd but not defaulted value: false

// can now insert myObjectWithDefaults into a collection.

Hopefully schemas will allow your code to be much more clean and strict by taking advantage of default values through protocol extensions and property-name autocomplete.


Ideally I would like to mirror all of the features that the Mongo Shell/drivers offer, and eventually add my own touch to it.


Any and all help is very welcome! Feel free to fork and submit a pull request - I will almost certainly merge it.

You should start by taking a look at the current issues and see if there's anything you want to implement/fix there.




Migrate to MongoDB C Driver 1.2.0 from 0.8, comes with a complete rewrite



Migrate to Swift 2 error handling model


Add documentation, clean up a lot of code, add examples for schemas using inheritence, protocols, and protocol extensions.



Add support for very simple mongoose-esque schemas by conforming to protocol MongoObject.


Implement (untested) login, fix major issue with querying where objects would either get ignored or query would loop indefinitely.


Fix BSON encoder and decoder to support boolean values, bugfixes.


Implement BSON -> Swift, bugfixes.


Make SwiftMongoDB multiplatform.

0.0.4 - 0.0.2

Getting Cocoapods to work, bugfixes.


Core operations implemented (insert, find, remove).


A Swifter way to work with MongoDB







No packages published


  • C 88.5%
  • Swift 9.8%
  • C++ 1.4%
  • Other 0.3%