Highly extensible, modern, JavaScript player. 👊
- Strict defined API, which makes it easy to build analytics and various other plugins on top of indigo-player.
- Dynamic bundle loading, automatically determines and loads which modules are needed for playback.
- Highly modular plugin system to extend functionality without modifying it's core.
- Out-of-the-box features such as subtitles, thumbnails, quality selection if applicable, ...
- React based UI.
Visit the documentation. 😎
The example below will load a simple MP4 file, and attempt to autoplay it.
<div id="playerContainer"></div>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/indigo-player@1/lib/indigo-player.js"></script>
const config = {
sources: [
type: 'mp4',
src: 'https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/gtv-videos-bucket/sample/BigBuckBunny.mp4',
const element = document.getElementById('playerContainer');
const player = IndigoPlayer.init(element, config);
// You can use the player object now to access the player and it's methods (play, pause, ...)
Much ❤️ on getting the word out!
- @ambroos for being a video nerd!
- @google for maintaining shaka-player
- @video-dev for maintaining hls.js