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HHDS: Hardware Hierarchical Dynamic Structure

This repository contains a highly optimized graph and tree data structure. The structure is optimized for handling graphs/trees structures typically found in hardware tools.


Some of the key characteristics:

-Graph mutates (add/remove edges and nodes)

-At most 32 bit ID for node (graph would be partitioned if larger is needed)

-Once an ID is created, even if node is deleted, it can not be reused. This sometimes called a "tombstone deletion"

-Delete node is frequent (code optimization)

-2 main types of traversal (any order or topological sort)

-Add edges is not so frequent after the 1st phase of graph creation

-Nodes has several "pins" and the edges are bi-directional

-In practice (topological sort), most edges are "short" no need to keep large 32 bit integer. Delta optimization to fit more edges.

-Meta information (attributes) are kept separate with the exception of type

-Most nodes have under 8 edges, but some (reset/clk) have LOTS of edges

-The graph operations do NOT need to be multithreaded with updates. The parallelism is extracted from parallel thread operations. (parallel read-only may happen).

Related works

Some related (but different) graph representations:

Pandey, Prashant, et al. "Terrace: A hierarchical graph container for skewed dynamic graphs." Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data. 2021.

Winter, Martin, et al. "faimGraph: high performance management of fully-dynamic graphs under tight memory constraints on the GPU." SC18: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. IEEE, 2018.

Bader, David A., et al. "Stinger: Spatio-temporal interaction networks and graphs (sting) extensible representation." Georgia Institute of Technology, Tech. Rep (2009).

Feng, Guanyu, et al. "Risgraph: A real-time streaming system for evolving graphs to support sub-millisecond per-update analysis at millions ops/s." Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data. 2021.

Overall data structure:

Vector with 4 types of nodes: Free, Node, Pin, Overflow

Node/Pin are 16 byte, Overflow 32 byte

Node is the master node and also the output pin

Pin is either of the other node pins (input 0, output 1....)

Node/Pin have a very small amount of edges. If more are needed, the overflow is used. If more are needed an index to emhash8::HashSet is used (overflow is deleted and moved to the set)

The overflow are just a continuous (not sorted) array. Scanning is needed if overflow is used.


The tree data structure is optimized for typical AST traversal and operations. Once a tree is created, the common operation is to delete nodes, and at most insert phi nodes (SSA). This means that the insertion is for a few entries, not large subtrees.

Key Features

  • Efficient sibling traversal with next/previous pointers
  • Optimized for append operations rather than random insertions
  • Support for subtree references and sharing between trees via Forest container
  • Three traversal modes: pre-order, post-order, and sibling-order
  • Memory-efficient storage using chunks of 8 nodes
  • Delta-compressed child pointers for common cases
  • Tombstone deletion (IDs are not reused)
  • Leaf-focused operations (delete_leaf is optimized)

Data Structure Design

The tree uses a chunked storage approach where nodes are stored in fixed-size chunks of 8 entries. Each chunk contains:

  • Long pointers (49-bit) for first/last child when needed
  • Delta-compressed short pointers (18-bit) for child references within nearby chunks
  • Next/Previous sibling pointers for efficient sibling traversal
  • Parent pointers for upward traversal
  • Leaf flag for quick leaf checks
  • Support for subtree references

The structure is particularly optimized for:

  1. Append operations (adding siblings or children at the end)
  2. Leaf deletion
  3. Sibling traversal
  4. Child traversal for small families (< 8 children)

Traversal Support

The tree provides three iterator types:

// Pre-order traversal (parent then children)
for(auto node : tree.pre_order(start_pos)) { ... }

// Post-order traversal (children then parent) 
for(auto node : tree.post_order(start_pos)) { ... }

// Sibling-order traversal (iterate through siblings)
for(auto node : tree.sibling_order(start_pos)) { ... }

Each traversal mode also supports following subtree references via an optional flag:

// Follow subtree references during traversal
for(auto node : tree.pre_order(start_pos, true)) { ... }

Forest Support

Trees can share subtrees via the Forest container:

Forest<int> forest;
Tree_pos subtree = forest.create_tree(root_data);
tree.add_subtree_ref(node_pos, subtree);

The Forest manages reference counting and cleanup of shared subtrees.


Not same, but similar idea and different representation:

Meyerovich, Leo A., Todd Mytkowicz, and Wolfram Schulte. "Data parallel programming for irregular tree computations." (2011).

Vollmer, Michael, Sarah Spall, Buddhika Chamith, Laith Sakka, Chaitanya Koparkar, Milind Kulkarni, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, and Ryan R. Newton. "Compiling tree transforms to operate on packed representations." (2017): 26.


Hardware Hierarchical Dynamic Structures







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