A light weight implementation of an multidimensional array in cpp
I tried to make it look very much like numpy arrays
Array<int> a = {1,2,24,2};
Array<int> b = a + 9;
Array<int> c = a[{true,false,false,true}];
Array<int> x = a[{0,1,2,0,2,2,1,0}];
Array<int> a1 = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};
Array<int> b1 = a[_][{1,2}];
Array<int> x1 = arange(2,5);
Array<int> a2 = a[0 to 2];
Array<int> x2 = 20 to 99;
print("Array<int>",string(Array<int>(20 to 99)));
Some functionality is still missing like assigning a array to a sup part of the array, also using [_][y] operators will be a bit confusing sometimes since it is implecitly (array[:])[y] in python not standard [:,y].
Appart from that its pretty cool and you can implement algorithms fast with it in a python style syntax :)